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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 167

Since it was Julie's request, Noah didn't hesitate a bit to rip open the courier package, revealing a beautifully wrapped purple box inside.

"Keep going," Julie urged.

Noah opened the purple wrapping, revealing a delicate black velvet box that looked pretty fancy.

It reminded him of a ring box.

Julie glanced at Kieran, as if asking if he had anything to do with the package. After all, apart from Kieran and Elliot, no one else had ever presented her with a ring. And her name was clearly written on the box.

But Kieran just shrugged and said, "Anonymity ain't my style."

Well, figures...

A guy like Kieran, confident and unapologetic, when he gave her a ring, he'd put it directly on her finger, leaving no room for refusal.

While Julie and Kieran were talking, Noah had already opened the box.

Inside, there was a stunning ring.

The very emerald they had seen at the auction earlier that day.

After being stunned for a moment, Julie laughed and said, "Who's so boring to send a fake over."

"There's a certificate of authenticity," Noah held up the gem certificate to the camera.

Julie glanced at it and chuckled, "They've done a good job, even prepared a fake certificate."

She casually teased, looking at Kieran with a playful smile, but his expression was serious. Her smile froze...

Kieran was usually confident, rarely showing such a serious look. Did this mean...

"What is it?" Julie asked hesitantly, "Wasn't the ring bought at the auction? That can't be the real one, right?"

She was partly asking Kieran's opinion, partly comforting herself that it must be a fake. After all, who would spend 9 million dollars on an emerald ring for her...

But Kieran's expression seemed to suggest the ring wasn't a fake.

Instead of answering, he dialed a number on his phone.

Half an hour later, at Kieran's command, Karl delivered the ring from Noblewood Retreat to their villa. Julie took a good look at the ring, then turned to Kieran with a serious look, "It looks the same as my mother's. I can't tell if it's real or not..."

Kieran glanced at his watch. It was 9:30 PM.

"I'll take you somewhere," he handed the ring box to Julie.

She put the ring back in the box and asked him with a puzzled look, "Where are we going?"

Kieran just took her hand and led her out.

"I need to find a place to hide this ring!" Julie tried to break free from Kieran's grip.

Before it was auctioned, she didn't realize the value of the ring. Now she felt like holding 9 million dollars in cash, feeling anxious, hoping to deposit it in a bank vault as soon as possible.

Now she finally understood why her mother had slapped her for merely touching the ring—a ring that valuable...

Seeing the panic on Julie's face, Kieran leaned in close, "My face is worth 9 million dollars too, but that doesn't stop you from hitting me, does it?"

Julie smartly chose to skip this topic and managed a forced smile, "Where are you taking me this late?"

And they were going on foot. Where on earth was he taking her?

The neighborhood was safe, but Kieran didn't strike her as the type who'd patiently take her for a walk to bond.

And sure enough, he wasn't just taking her for a walk. He led her to a villa and rang the bell.

Following the previous experience with Kieran ringing a bell, Julie wisely chose to stay silent.

Soon, the door was pushed open from inside.

A woman in her fifties greeted Kieran with a warm smile, "What brings you here this late?"

"Is he home?" Kieran asked bluntly.


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