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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 335

Bertha was all set to bring Phoebe back home, a spur-of-the-moment decision that she hadn't gotten around to mentioning to Amanda. Naturally, Amanda was clueless about the whole thing.

Lately, Ivan had developed a real passion for the piano, so after a chat between Kieran and Julie, they decided to take advantage of the winter break and enroll Ivan in some intensive lessons at the music academy.

Julie was a bit concerned that Ivan would miss out on his vacation and feel cooped up, but Ivan seemed to be having a fun time. So, like clockwork, Julie would drive him to his classes every morning.

Today marked Amanda's discharge from the hospital. After dropping Ivan off at the academy, Julie joined Kieran to pick up Amanda.

Amanda had been fine and she could've been discharged ages ago, but for some reason, she'd spent an entire year in the hospital without any intention to leave. Today, she seemed to have had an epiphany. By the time Julie and Kieran arrived, Amanda had Shannon pack her bags and she was ready to go.

On the drive back to Noblewood Retreat, Kieran casually mentioned, "Grandma, Phoebe's back."

"Phoebe..." Amanda muttered the name from the back seat, reminiscing about when Phoebe was born.

Amanda had only seen Phoebe once, right after his birth. At the time, Kieran didn't explain much, and naturally, Amanda assumed Phoebe was Kieran and Bertha's child.

Although Amanda had her reservations about Julie as her granddaughter-in-law, Julie had, after all, been properly wed into the Hernandez family, a wedding Amanda had consented to. The idea that Kieran might have strayed and fathered Phoebe with another woman, while Julie had lost her child, seemed like a betrayal by the Hernandez family. And now, another complication had arisen.

In a fit of anger, Amanda had left the country without even seeing Julie, only catching a glimpse of Phoebe in her crib.

When the truth came out, Bertha had sent Phoebe away to protect him, supposedly to Camilla for upbringing. Kieran and Bertha disagreed with Amanda’s desire to see Phoebe. So, until today, she had no idea what Phoebe looked like.

But now, Phoebe had returned.

"When did he get back?" Amanda asked after a long spell of contemplation.

"Yesterday afternoon," Kieran replied honestly.

"And where is he?" Amanda's voice quivered with excitement, "At Noblewood Retreat?"

Kieran understood Amanda's eagerness.

"No, he's staying at the Cardinal Hotel."

"Why on earth would she come back only to stay in a hotel? Phoebe grew up abroad, and he's a stranger in his homeland, might not even speak the language, and you put him in a hotel? What if he's not comfortable there? Why not bring him home where he can be looked after? We have plenty of staff, and it would be more convenient," Amanda fussed.

Kieran explained, "It was Camilla's idea."

Before Kieran could finish, his phone rang. It was a call from Karl, reminding him of a lunch with Harding to discuss some issues related to children with autism.

Lately, Harding had taken a keen interest in Emily's treatment of Sansa, spending a lot of time at the hospital and even scheduling meals nearby.

Glancing at his watch and confirming he wouldn't be late, Kieran dropped Julie and Amanda safely home before heading back to the office.

Not long after Kieran left, Julie saw Amanda come downstairs dressed to the nines, carrying a purse. Her face was a picture of graceful contentment that faded just a tad upon seeing Julie.

"Grandma, where are you off to?" Julie asked with genuine concern.

Amanda replied coolly, "To see my dear grandson, Phoebe, of course. This house is so big, and yet you send Camilla and Phoebe to a hotel? What's wrong with you and Kieran? Can't make room for them? Is a hotel stay really as comfortable as being at home?"

Julie was dumbstruck by Amanda's words. Was the reason Amanda always seemed upset upon seeing her because she thought Julie couldn't accommodate Camilla and Phoebe, thus sending them to a hotel?

Julie was at a loss for words. She reached out eagerly, taking hold of Amanda's sleeve, "You're absolutely right, Grandma. I told Camilla the same thing. Our house is spacious, and we have plenty of staff. It's definitely more convenient than a hotel, but Camilla said everything was booked. I was actually planning to bring them back today. I just hope Camilla agrees."

"And you haven't even tried. How do you expect her to agree?" Amanda chided, not bothering to shrug off Julie's hand.

Julie knew the value of humoring the elderly and quickly agreed with a smile, "Exactly! I was worried Camilla might refuse. But with you by my side, Grandma, showing such sincerity, we're sure to bring Camilla and Phoebe home."

Pleased with Julie's response, Amanda patted her hand and said, "I see you're not as clueless as I thought. While Kieran is out working on business, you ought to manage the household affairs well. Ease his burden. He's got a whole company to worry about. Be understanding, you hear?"

Julie nodded eagerly, "Absolutely."

She reached for the car keys, only to be told by Amanda, "No need. Bolt and Basil are waiting outside."


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