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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 339

Daphne gave Julie a playful raise of her eyebrows, "You know, there's something similar about Camilla and Bertha – both so sweet and understanding. But for some reason, I've always been more drawn to Bertha. Maybe it's because we spent more time together in college. I've always thought she was great. I mean, when I first heard that Bertha and Mr. Hernandez were having an affair, and that he even got her pregnant, I was gobsmacked!"

Julie nodded in agreement, "Gobsmacked – that's the perfect word."

It had been a long time since the scandal, and Daphne was only bringing it up now because she was past the hurt, "So, spill the beans, Julie. When you first found out... what did you feel?"

The feelings were distant now, but if Julie had to break it down, it was in "three stages."

"Three stages?" Daphne asked, instinctively trying to sit cross-legged, only to remember that, as a pregnant woman, she wasn't quite as nimble anymore. She settled in to listen to Julie.

Julie thought for a moment and then said, "First stage...denial. I couldn't believe Kieran would be with Bertha. He was the man I slept next to every night, the one I trusted with my life. And Bertha, she was like a sister to me; I wanted nothing but happiness for her. To think they'd do something like that to me was unimaginable at first."

Daphne could see the logic. When Julie had been through these trials, Daphne had been ready to confront them herself, but Julie stopped her. Daphne had liked Bertha after all.

Now able to look back with a wry smile, Julie continued, "The second stage was a desire for mutual destruction. I fantasized about poisoning those two! In my despair, I thought I might as well poison myself too. Then, the third stage was compromise. I compromised for my baby, for the love I had for him..."

Julie took a deep breath and added, "In hindsight, I should thank that mess of lies and deception. If it hadn't forced me to part ways with Kieran, I wouldn't be the Julie I am today. Back then, I was ready to debase myself for love, to forget all my principles. Love and marriage should be about equals, not about submission, right? Otherwise, the old system of royal consorts would still be in place!"

Daphne had an epiphany, "You're right! Which means I can't just be submissive to Lord Lion. We have to be on equal footing!"

Julie stared at her, bemused. When had Daphne ever been submissive to Lord Lion? To Julie, it seemed like Lord Lion was the one bending over backward to cater to Daphne's every whim.

Rising from her seat, Julie smoothed her dress and said, "Let's go out. Grandma's probably waiting. Is Mr. Lionel picking you up later?"

Daphne shook her head, "I'll drive myself back. Lord Lion and I have it all arranged."

As they descended the stairs, Daphne whispered, "Did Camilla say when she's heading back?"

Julie thought for a moment, "No, she hasn't mentioned it."

"Looks like she's planning to stay for good!" A familiar voice suddenly came from the stairwell.

Both Julie and Daphne looked down to see Marlon and Harding standing there, looking up at them.

Daphne glanced awkwardly at Marlon, "Mr. Watson, how did you hear me? I'm so far away and speaking so softly, and yet you heard?"

"Keep an eye on QuadDylan for me, Juliebelle," Mr. Watson threw in out of the blue.

Julie was confused, "What do you mean?"

"That woman is not my type," Mr. Watson said haughtily.

Harding rolled his eyes at Marlon, taunting, "You, a perennial bachelor, have a type?"

"Ha! Bro, you shouldn’t be the one mocking me," Mr. Watson retorted, resting a hand on Harding's shoulder and grinning at Julie, "Where's Phoebe?"

Julie had to admit, Mr. Watson had a way with words. She continued down the stairs with Daphne, replying, "She just went to the kitchen. Should be in the parlor by now."

"And what about that Damsel in Distress?" Mr. Watson asked.

Daphne immediately gave Mr. Watson a thumbs-up, feeling that the nickname he coined for Camilla was spot on.

Harding playfully slapped Mr. Watson on the back of the head, “Can you stop making fun of people?”

Harding had been brought in by Kieran to check on Ivan’s condition, and the group made their way to the den downstairs. Kieran and Amanda were deep in conversation, while Phoebe sat on the couch, his fingers ceaselessly scribbling incomprehensible patterns on the coffee table.

Approaching, Harding squatted beside Phoebe, silent, mirroring his posture.

Mr. Watson casually asked Kieran, “Where's Camilla?”


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