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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 349

As Julie switched the conversation to Camilla, Amanda walked through the door, saying, "Everything's set, my dear Camilla," she said, her voice soft but firm. "And you listen to me, no matter what happens over there in Britain with Simonson, I'm on your side."

"Thanks, Amanda." Camilla stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Amanda in a grateful hug. "And... what about little Phoebe?"

"Oh, honey, you just focus on sorting out your business. Phoebe is my great-grandchild; I wouldn't dream of letting any harm come to him. By the time you get back, He’ll be plump and healthy," Amanda assured her with a chuckle, seeing off Camilla, Julie, and Kieran.

Once they had all departed, Dylan approached Amanda with a puzzled look on his face, leaning in close as he spoke in an almost conspiratorial whisper. "Amanda, there's something I've been dying to ask."

"What's got you so curious?" she inquired, her steps slow as she made her way upstairs.

Dylan followed, treading lightly. "Promise you won't get mad at me for saying this, okay?"

"Out with it," she replied, her tone generous.

After a moment's hesitation, Dylan blurted out his burning question. "Grandma, do you have something against Julie as a granddaughter-in-law?"

One might think that if Amanda truly disapproved of Julie, she wouldn't have been so careful about her feelings that she even refrained from visiting Bertha when she had her great-grandchild. But to suggest that she was pleased with her as a daughter-in-law didn't quite fit with the decision she had made that day.

Amanda's laughter was light but didn't quite conceal the depth of her thoughts. "Whatever gave you the idea that I'm dissatisfied with my granddaughter-in-law?"

"But if you really were content with Julie, wouldn't that mean you're being a bit senile? Are you not pushing Kerry straight into Camilla's arms? They're grown adults, shouldn't they be able to manage their own love lives without Kerry being shoehorned in?" Dylan had always been observant, but even he couldn't fathom his grandmother's deep-seated intentions.

At this, Amanda's expression grew serious. "Dylan, do you really want to know why I've done all this?"

Amanda’s sudden change of demeanor set off alarm bells in Dylan's head, and he took a step back, his gaze wary. "Grandma, you're making me nervous. Is there anything I can help with?"

Amanda looked at Dylan thoughtfully, a faint frown on her face. "Actually, there is something I need your help with."

Dylan's heart sank. Was it too late for regrets?

Meanwhile, aboard the private jet bound for Britain. Julie sat in front of a generously filled fruit basket, while Kieran was meticulously peeling a grapefruit, ensuring every single seed was removed before gently placing a segment into Julie's mouth.

Julie, less meticulous but still competent, passed some of the peeled grapefruit to Camilla, only to notice that Camilla was lost in old photographs of her and Simonson.

"Camilla, why don't you get some sleep? We have a long flight ahead," Julie suggested, gesturing to Eric to fetch a blanket, which she then offered to Camilla.

Camilla, her brows knitted together, murmured a polite thanks before closing her phone, plugging in her earphones, and closing her eyes.

After carefully tucking the blanket around Camilla, Julie returned to her seat and whispered to Kieran, "Where are we headed?"

"Edinburgh," he replied, his fingers playing with hers, admiring the simple yet meaningful ring he had designed and crafted for her, it took him 2 months to make it. It looked even more beautiful on her slender, fair fingers. "Does Simonson live in Edinburgh?" Julie inquired.

Kieran shook his head. "Christine lives there. Although Simonson was born in London, he moved to Edinburgh after marrying Christine. They had their wedding in an Edinburgh church."

This mention of weddings prompted Mr. Hernandez to ask, "And what about our wedding, my dear? Where would you like to have it?"

Caught off guard, Julie looked at Mr. Hernandez, her expression one of confusion. He analyzed seriously, "A traditional wedding could be in a church or on a green lawn, but these days young couples prefer seaside ceremonies for that extra touch of romance. If we opt for a more classic wedding, it might be quite the affair with all the formalities. I wouldn't want you to get worn out."

Their conversation about a possible wedding do-over had been interrupted before, and they hadn't had the chance to discuss it in detail.

Julie suddenly remembered the reason for the interruption—it was because they had made a bet. Her eyes sparkled as she turned to Kieran, "Do you remember our bet from Greece?"

"Which one?"

"The one where if I met Grandma's standards after training with Bolt, you'd take me on a trip to Greece. You haven't forgotten, have you?"

His lips curved in a mischievous smile. "Of course, I remember that. And if you lost, we agreed to give Grandma the news of expecting a great-granddaughter."

Julie, resting her chin on her hand, asked with a hint of mischief, "So, do you think I've met Grandma's standards yet? After all, she's letting me go out on my own now, and even if I'm no match for Bolt, I can still hold my own in a fight, right?"


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