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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 362

Dr. Brice wasn't one to call without reason; even among friends, interactions were typically limited to the occasional message or brief chat on social media. More often than not, his communications were about something concerning Sansa, and so when Dr. Brice actually made a phone call, it meant something serious was afoot...

Julie didn't dare delay, pressing the answer button immediately.

Dr. Brice's voice came through right away. Camilla, standing a little distance away, couldn't see who was calling or hear what was being said on the other end. She just saw Julie freeze like she'd been struck by lightning, clutching her phone so tightly, motionless for what felt like an eternity. It was impossible to tell if she was ecstatic or devastated; she just stood by the side of the road, still as a statue.

Across the street stood Kieran. Camilla had just hurried Julie across the crosswalk, and Kieran had been delayed by an incoming call from Hayden, missing the change of the traffic light, leaving him stranded on the opposite side.

Seeing Julie, looking utterly lost where she stood, Julien gave a slight smile, thinking this was perfect! She glanced sideways at Charles.

Charles, reading the situation, immediately took out his phone, fiddled with it for a moment, then pocketed it and looked up at Camilla with respectful attention. "Miss, shall we head over to Shadow Lane? There are plenty of bakeries there, and Master Phoebe has always had a sweet tooth for cupcakes. Maybe we'll find a clue..."

"Alright." Camilla followed Charles, turning towards Shadow Lane.

No sooner had she taken a step away, a license-plate-less black sedan sped towards Julie with no sign of stopping. And Julie, her full attention on Dr. Brice's words, was oblivious to the danger.

Kieran, standing across the street, realized the intention of the car but it was too late to get to her.

At that moment, Camilla pulled out a compact mirror from her bag and, through the reflection, watched Julie behind her. A cold smirk played on her lips as she watched the car speed toward Julie... At this relentless pace, the car would hit Julie hard enough to shatter her into pieces, blood splattered on the spot.

She wasn't going to miss this spectacle, she needed to witness it firsthand to make up for the frustrations she'd suffered at the hands of the Hernandez family.

Camilla was watching Kieran, who saw the black sedan racing toward Julie and despite the distance of the road, he risked the red light, heading straight for her, his brows furrowing even more...

Camilla frowned, did Kieran really care so much for this woman that he would lose all sense and dash across the light to save someone beyond saving?

Camilla watched coldly, pitying the futility; with such a wide road, he wouldn't be able to save her life.

Amidst the cacophony of honking horns and cursing drivers, Kieran's voice was drowned out as he shouted, "Joyce!! Move!!"

The black sedan, like an arrow released from its bow, hurtled towards Julie...

Camilla could never have imagined that in that split second, the traffic lights would change, and Julie, who had been in a daze on the phone, suddenly dashed across the street with all her might.

The black sedan, having no time to brake let alone change direction, missed Julie by a hair's breadth as she sprinted forward, the car's bumper just grazing her skirt...

On the sidewalk, Julie grabbed Kieran's arm, her movements so swift he barely had time to embrace her, only catching sight of the tears welling in her eyes.

Nearby, a taxi had just arrived. Spotting it, Julie dragged Kieran into the cab, then turned to the driver with an urgency that couldn't be feigned, "Sir, to Tranquil Care Hospital, please!"

As the cab pulled away, a horrific pile-up unfolded across the street, but Julie didn't notice any of it.

"Dr. Brice said Sansa's showing signs of recovery!" Julie hugged Kieran, her eyes brimming with joy.

Kieran sighed.

He held the woman in his arms tighter, "Do you have any idea what just happened…"

"Oh, I was so worried I forgot. Camilla said she and Charles were going to check elsewhere, I... I'll call Camilla right now." Julie was completely unaware of the near-death experience she'd just had.

If not for that instant change of the traffic lights, if not for her sudden dash towards him, if not for... Thankfully, in that instant, the lights had changed, and thankfully, she had run towards him with all her might...

Kieran, who had jaywalked across the street moments before, wished he could teleport, cursing the wide road, the lengthy walkway, and his own preoccupation with teasing Hayden instead of holding her hand. The fear of losing her surged up in an instant.

Julie was being held so tightly she could barely breathe, feeling as if he wanted to crush her bones and merge her into his body.

"K... Kieran?" Julie tried to push him away. But he held her even tighter.

After a moment, Julie relaxed into the embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist with joy, "Are you happy about Sansa's recovery too? I couldn't believe it when... mmph…"


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