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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 369

Julie shifted the pillow aside, her bright eyes peeking out as she pouted at him, "How am I supposed to get famous if you don't tag me in your tweets?"

Kieran chuckled as he approached the bed where his little lady lay, removed the pillow from her face, and gently cradled her head on his lap with an indulgent tone, "I meant you're getting known at the office."

Julie stretched out her delicate hands to cover her face, "It's all Karl's fault!"

"Right. I'll fire him tomorrow."

Outside the door, Karl muttered to himself, "What did I do to deserve this?!"

Tina, passing by, chimed in with mock sympathy, "Karl, farewell my friend."

Kieran ran his fingers through the soft tresses of his wife beside him and asked, "What brings you here?"

Considering he'd been away from his law firm, S&J International, to Simpo Inc. for only a brief period, it was only natural that Kieran was oblivious to the whirlwind of events that had befallen Julie in his absence.

Just as Julie was about to recount her harrowing tale, Kieran's phone chimed with a particular tone reserved for personal messages.

"Hold on," Kieran said, planting a kiss on her forehead before retrieving his phone to check the message.

The sender was Julie. Turning to look at her, Kieran noticed she held a phone that wasn't her usual one. He turned his attention back to the message.

It was a picture message from her own phone, taken just as she had stepped out of the car, half in and half out, with the Simpo Inc. building faintly discernible in the background.

The caption read, "Found a woman on the road, quite intriguing. Might not be keen on returning her if found again."

"Rowan..." Julie turned to gauge Kieran's expression before timidly handing the phone back, pointing out, "My phone... he has it."

"What happened?" Kieran asked, his face a mask of seriousness.

Julie hesitated, then explained the whole incident, ending with a slight whine, "I was worried... that I wouldn't get to see you."

Kieran was both exasperated and concerned - exasperated that she was always so carefree, and concerned for how scared she must have been during that moment in the car.

After a moment of internal debate, he wrapped his arms around her, cooing, "Would you mind if I kept you tied to my belt loop?"

Julie tried to look up at him, only to be gently held down, and she whispered from his embrace, "I'd mind."

He patted her back gently, and she felt the comfort of familiarity, not realizing the steely resolve hardening in his gaze.

Downstairs, in an unassuming Buick parked in front of Simpo Inc., Camilla fiddled with a golden ring on her finger.

Dressed in an elegant white satin gown with a fox fur stole, she looked more mature than her usual innocent self. She watched the building intently, having witnessed Julie's exit from Rowan's car.

"Drive," she commanded coolly.

The driver, Charles, promptly turned the wheel and murmured, "Miss, he hasn't said a word."

'He' referred to Lucian, of course. Camilla knew Lucian would keep his lips sealed but didn't dwell on it. Half an hour later, they arrived at a dilapidated bungalow.

Charles opened the door for Camilla, who stepped out onto the concrete in her stiletto heels with grace. The dim interior of the bungalow was void of light, the windows sealed shut.

Chapter 369 1


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