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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 69

Julie couldn't remember how she fell asleep last night. All she knew was that she was still sprawled on Sansa's hospital bed, when she woke up the next morning, her neck feeling a bit stiff.

She looked up at Sansa, who was, as usual, quietly lying on the bed, and then got up. After freshening up, she headed to Dr. Brice's office.

Just as Dr. Brice arrived at his office, Julie knocked on the door.

"Back keeping Sansa company again?" Dr. Brice asked with a smile as he slipped on his lab coat.

Julie nodded and said, "Dr. Brice, I'm here today because I need a favor."

"Anything you need, just say the word," Dr. Brice replied.

Julie sat down across from him at his desk, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt before finally saying, as if making a big decision, "Do you have any connections with hospitals in other cities? Preferably somewhere far."

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Dr. Brice asked, taken aback.

"I've decided to move to another city. And I want to take Sansa with me," Julie said. No matter what, she couldn't abandon Sansa.

Dr. Brice frowned slightly. "Sure, I know people at other hospitals. But why the sudden decision to switch hospitals, and in another city no less?"

Dr. Brice knew about Julie's situation and had always supported her over the years.

Julie managed a weak smile. "I just want a change of scenery. Thanks for everything you've done for me over the years. If you know any hospitals in other cities, please make an introduction? I'd really appreciate it!"

"How about Oakhurst? The head of Oakhurst Hospital is an old friend of mine. If you took Sansa there, it would probably be easier all around. But the transfer fees to Oakhurst won't be cheap." Dr. Brice looked at Julie hesitantly.

Julie blinked in surprise, then said, "Didn't someone donate money for Sansa's treatment a while back? Let's use that."

"Alright," Dr. Brice agreed. "I'll get in contact with them. Let me know when you plan to go."

"Sure. And there's one more thing."

"Whatever it is, I'll do my best," Dr. Brice replied generously.

"I want you to keep it a secret that I'm taking Sansa to Oakhurst. If anyone asks about me in the future, please don't tell them."

"Agreed!" Dr. Brice knew that Julie had her reasons. He had known her for many years and knew her character well.

Julie stood up, bowed in gratitude to Dr. Brice, and left the hospital.

However, leaving the city wasn't going to be easy. The Accolade Law Firm had already contracted her to represent them in a deal with Kieran. If she left, it would be a breach of contract.

So, on her way to Simpo Co., she arranged to have lunch with Porter to discuss the breach of contract penalty.

Kieran was very punctual when it came to work, so no one at Simpo Co. dared to be late.

But when Kieran arrived at the office, he didn't see Julie.

"Where is she?" he asked, handing his coat to Karl.

Karl immediately knew who Kieran was asking about. He scanned the room and, seeing no sign of Julie, told Kieran, "I'll go find her."

"Just a minute," Kieran called him back. "Any progress on the investigation into the person who donated to Sansa?"

Karl shook his head. "I'm still looking. Whoever it is, they're keeping a low profile. But I'm sure it's not Elliot."

"Alright, you can go now."

As soon as Karl left the office, he called Julie. She picked up quickly. "Ms. Abraham, it's time for work."

"I'm in the CEO's office," Julie replied.

Karl looked around, then said, "I don't see you. Where in the CEO's office are you?"

"Does Mr. Hernandez need me for something? If not, please find me when Mr. Hernandez is ready to discuss the case with me," Julie said before hanging up.

Karl looked at his disconnected call, then at the office, and relayed Julie's words to Kieran verbatim.

Kieran paused, pen in hand, and looked up at Karl. "Tell her to come to my office. I want to discuss the case with her."

Karl called Julie again and relayed Kieran's message. A few minutes later, Julie appeared in the CEO's office, proving she had been there.


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