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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 86

Ivan was totally into anything Julie cooked. He was young, but already quite sensible and able to handle his own stuff.

After finishing the pasta Julie made, Ivan was ready to leave to give Julie and his dad some alone time. He wiped his mouth and said, "My dad just texted that he's home, Mama Julie. I gotta run and pick up your paycheck for you."

During the time Julie was injured, she indeed took care of Ivan as agreed with Mr. Kennedy. But because Ivan was already a good boy, she didn't do much. In fact, she was already grateful that Mr. Kennedy allowed her to live with Ivan, giving her a place to stay.

As for the paycheck, Mr. Kennedy had asked her to talk to Ivan directly, but she hadn't brought it up since the beginning.

When Ivan suddenly brought up this topic, Julie said to him, "I can walk you there, it's just next door."

She also wanted to take this opportunity to see Mr. Kennedy and thank him in person.

But Ivan firmly declined, "Mama Julie, you need to stay here and look after Kerry. He's drunk as a skunk. It'd be a shame if he's left alone. Helga is waiting for me outside, I gotta dash, bye!"

Ivan was quick on his feet; Julie couldn't catch up with him. She had no choice but to look at Kieran on the sofa, whose blanket somehow ended up on the floor.

Julie picked up the blanket and put it back on Kieran, then sat on the carpet by the sofa, rubbing her foot.

The doctor had told her to walk as little as possible when the cast was removed, but she had walked more today than she had in the past three months.

After a while, Julie dialed Karl's number, but no one answered. She took out her phone and sent a message to Mr. Kennedy.

After waiting for a while, there was no reply, so Julie gave up. Then she lay down on the side of the sofa and fell asleep unknowingly.

When she woke up again, she found herself sleeping on the sofa from the carpet. She was so dead to the world, she had no idea what happened. After sitting up, she saw Kieran sitting on the sofa across, staring at his computer, seemingly not noticing her.

Julie rubbed her eyes and asked him, "When did you wake up?"

Kieran looked up at Julie, but didn't answer her.

Then a woman's voice came from the computer, "Sorry, Kieran, is there anyone at your place?"

This surprised Julie, she covered her mouth, not daring to speak. She didn't even look at Kieran.

The woman's voice was sweet and sounded very weak. But this voice was unfamiliar to Julie, and she couldn't imagine why this woman was looking for Kieran.

Kieran calmly said, "Focus on your studies. If you need anything, contact Karl directly."

After a while, a response came from the phone, "Okay, I understand."

Kieran closed the computer, rubbed his somewhat aching temples, then looked at Julie, "Can you make me something to sober up? There should be ingredients in the fridge."

"Since you're awake, why don't you order the chef to do it!" Julie said, reaching for her bag on the sofa where Kieran was sitting.

"Have you thought about how to deal with Adolf's thing?" Kieran leaned on the sofa, seemingly bringing up this issue casually.

Even though Julie really wanted to remind Kieran that it was him who hurt that guy, she knew better than anyone that Kieran only did it because of her.

So Julie's footsteps paused as she was about to walk away, "If we can settle, then we will; if not, we'll go the legal route."

"They're asking for medical bills and mental damages, a total of five thousand dollars." Keiran said.

Julie's eyes popped out, five thousand? That was too expensive, wasn't it?

"Looks like we have to go the legal route then." Julie was a bit down. She was afraid she might not be able to afford the lawyer's fees.

Kieran's fingers casually tapped on the black leather sofa, asking Julie, "How do you plan to go the legal route? Sue Adolf for attempted rape or sexual harassment?"

"Either way. After all, we hit someone in self-defense, that's a fact." Julie said.

The one who should feel awkward now should be Adolf, after all his wife would not easily let go of her husband.

As Julie was thinking about this, Kieran asked, "Court talks about evidence, not your so-called facts. Want to go the legal route? Adolf has evidence of us assaulting someone, do you?"

There was no surveillance at home, and she naturally couldn't produce evidence of Adolf harassing her. Kieran was stating the obvious!

The only evidence was Kieran. Kieran was a witness, but also a party in this matter. After all, Adolf was injured by him. If it really went to court, Kieran as a party, could only constitute one of the factors of human evidence, and the evidence of a party was impossible to determine.

But Julie knew that since he brought up this issue, it meant he had a plan. So she stared at Kieran intently, waiting for him to speak again.

What she didn't expect was his answer, he said, "Just pay it!"


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