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Luna bond novel Chapter 3


Right on time, Allison and Charlotte strolled out into the bright sunshine looking fresh and relaxed. My hands wrapped a little tighter around my glass of iced tea as I waited impatiently while they stood near the entrance and chatted.-

From what I’d picked up, Allison and Charlie—as Allison called her—had grown up together and were as close as sisters. My guess was cousins since they had the same last name. Their families had sent them to Cap Cana as a graduation gift. They seemed inseparable, and while nothing would ever stand in the way of making Allison mine, it would go smoother if I caught her alone. I’d been biding my time in order to find the right moment, and it was finally here.

I left some cash on the bar next to my untouched drink and wandered closer. “See you back in the room around three?” Charlie asked as she fiddled with her phone. She had signed up for a cooking class and Allison had chosen not to attend. I’d discovered the kitchen was a place my goddess had no interest in. Unless it was to hunt for chocolate.

Not that it mattered to me. Particularly since I had a chef whenever I was home—which hadn’t been much, but now that I’d found her, it would be more often than not. Once I put a ring on her finger, I’d spend all of my time between her wide-open legs, making sure she was bred as quickly as possible. Then I’d be there to take care of my nena while she carried our baby. After that, I’d be home with my family. I was incredibly pleased when I overheard Allison mention wanting a large family since I intended to keep her knocked up for the foreseeable future. I hadn’t realized how much I wanted that until I’d laid eyes on the woman I wanted to be the mother of my children.

The girls hugged, and Charlie took off in the opposite direction of where I was lingering. Allison tucked her phone into a little purse with a thin strap that she was wearing across her chest. After completing her task, she lifted her head, and her eyes scanned the area before they landed on me.

Having her gaze directed at me was like a shot of pure lust, followed by a feeling of possession that had me curling my fingers into my palms to avoid reaching for her. As I watched her light brown eyes widen and her pupils dilate, a devilish smile slowly spread across my face. She was clearly as affected by me as I was by her.

As my smile grew, her mouth went a little slack, and her pink tongue darted out, leaving a shiny trail on her bottom lip before she swallowed hard. Slowly, I shifted my steps so I was prowling toward her. I couldn’t seem to contain my hunger for her. It was in my smile, my gaze, and the predatory way I approached her. But she didn’t back away. In fact, she seemed drawn to me. The connection clearly went both ways, and it had my heart dancing, even as it pumped all of the blood in my body straight to my cock. Fuck, I wanted her more than my next breath, but I had to force myself to calm down so I wouldn’t come on too strong and send her running. Not that she would get far.

I came to a stop just inches away, forcing her to drop her head back to look up at my face. My eyes zeroed in on her mouth, and I licked my lips before forcing my gaze back up. “Hola, beautiful.”

Allison’s skin flushed pink, and she smiled shyly. Her innocence was so sweet. It made me want to wrap her up in my arms to protect her from anything that might taint it. At the same time, it was hot as fuck. I couldn’t wait to introduce her to the seductive woman I suspected was also a part of her.

It was almost impossible to keep my cool when I thought about the fact that I would be the one—the only one—who would ever see her flushed with desire, begging for my cock, screaming as she climaxed, her young pussy drenching my dick in her honey. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes and commanded my body to back the hell off.

After a couple of beats, I felt in control enough to open my eyes and take a step away. Her smile faltered, and her whiskey-colored eyes flashed with disappointment, making me smile. I extended my arm and held my hand out, palm up. “Come with me,” I requested in a husky tone.

Allison glanced at my hand, then back to my face, studying my features as she worked through something in her mind. The air crackled with electricity from the sparks between us. I knew she could feel it too when her breathing kicked up a notch, and her eyes darkened.

She nibbled her bottom lip—making me jealous of her teeth because I was absolutely obsessed with every part of her—and lowered her gaze to my hand again.

This was it. The pivotal moment that would decide her future, and I knew somehow Allison understood that. Maybe not the complete scope of it, but enough to know she was making a life-altering decision. If she took my hand, she was mine, and I would never give her up.

In truth, she would never be without me, but I was giving her the opportunity to choose me before I simply snatched her and took off.

She brought a hand up to tuck some wayward strands of hair behind her ear, then paused instead of dropping it to her side. It took monumental effort to stay still and wait while the attraction between us buzzed over my skin and pumped blood to my cock.

Finally, Allison breathed in deep, and as she exhaled, she placed her palm in mine.

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