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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 28




I quickly ate the food, and when I was done, I went to bed. My eyes were open as slumber refused to come.


Indeed, I was lost in thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about Laura and what might occur next since we now live in the same apartment.


Even when I hoped that everything would get better between us, it never worked. That was when I realized that she hated me so much.


I heard a knock, and my heart skipped. I wondered if it was Laura. I guess she has really traumatized me with her recent attitude towards me.


"Come in," I said, and the doctor opened, revealing Madam Mabel and a lady who was seemingly one of the servants.


"I can see you are done with eating," she smiled after glancing at the empty plate on the table.


I only forced a small smile, and the lady closed the door before both of them fully went inside.


"Take them," Madam Mabel ordered the servant.


The lady walked to the table and held the tray as she gently placed the plate, cup, and bottle of water on it.


"You can go. I wish to talk to her," Mabel said, and the servant bowed before leaving. She closed the door from behind instantly.


"You wish to talk to me?" I asked, curiously. "What is it about?"


"I was told to pass an important information to you," she whispered.


"Important information? What is that?" I asked, raising my brows.


"The queen wants you to appear before her tonight," she said, and my brows fell off. I felt my heart skip also. Hearing the name "Laura" was really causing so much for me.


"What is that supposed to mean? Did she call for me?" I questioned.


Mabel quietly nodded. "She says she wants to see you tonight in her bedroom. She wishes to talk to you, and I have no more answers to your questions. She just gave me this message to pass to you."


"When did she pass this information?" I asked and swallowed hard. I felt so anxious now.


"It hasn't been that long," she answered.


"So, she called you to her room and told you this?" I asked, feeling quite doubtful.


"No. She called me," she replied.


I gulped and nodded. "Okay then. I will do as you wish."


"I will take my leave now," she said and bowed.


"Please wait," I whispered, my large eyes staring above the high wall where the clock was hung.


"What is it?" Mabel asked softly.


"What time was I told to appear before her?" I asked.


"Oh! She actually said you should come tonight by 8 pm," she replied.


"Okay then. Thank you," I said, and she nodded before walking to the door and finally leaving the room for me to think deeply.



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