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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 50



I could see that Laura was seething with anger. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "I'm not interested in talking to you," she said, her voice tight with tension. "Leave, or I'll call security."


"No," I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "I'm not leaving until we talk. I've waited too long to let you brush me off."


"I don't have anything to say to you," she snapped.


"Besides, you said you wanted to talk to me. We will do just that," I said.


"Is this supposed to be a joke or what?" Laura snapped. "Get out of my room while I'm being nice."


I fixed my gaze on her. "The woman in the photo. She looks so much like me. Who is she? Is she a relative?" I asked. I saw the way her expression changed, and I knew that I had hit a nerve.


Isabella appeared in the doorway, her brow furrowed as she folded her arms across her chest. "I think you should leave," she said, her tone stern. "Can't you see that she doesn't want to talk to you?"


"Isabella, please, it's none of your business," I snarled, but she remained unmoved.


"Leave her alone," Laura said quietly, pulling Isabella to her side. She turned to me, a steely look in her eyes.


"Are you sure you want to know?" she asked, her tone still cool and measured.


I hesitated, feeling the tension in the room. My stomach twisted into a knot. "Yes," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.


Laura stepped closer to me, her expression unreadable. "You said your mother was who again..." she trailed off, looking down at the photo in her hand. Then, she lifted her gaze to meet mine.


"Can you clarify what you mean?" I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion.


"It's a simple question," she said, her tone growing impatient.


"Sure, I can show you," I said, a bit annoyed by her impatience. I pointed at the woman in the photo, but as I did, I noticed something strange about her expression. She wasn't just smirking. It was more like a knowing smirk. As if she was reveling in my confusion.


"What is it?" I asked.


"This woman is your foster parent," she said.


"My foster parent? How? I don't understand. I know that this woman is my mother. I also remember my father as well, as he was the husband of my mother. I lost them both at the age of nine due to a serious illness," I explained, trying to make her understand so that I wouldn't have to hear all the gibberish she was uttering.


"You heard what I said, young woman. This lady is just your foster mother," she said.


"Don't say that!" I snapped. "Please…" I added, with a weak voice.


"I have nothing else to say to you. If you don't want to believe it, then forget about it. I'm not concerned about the matter," she said and turned.


"Wait, please," I muttered.


Laura sighed and turned to me. "What is it? Because I have nothing else to say to you." There was a smirk on her face as she spoke.


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