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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 67




I was in my room when a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I ran to the bathroom, where I vomited in the sink. After I was done, I flushed the sink and washed my face with cold water.


As I walked slowly back to my room, I felt winded and weak. "What's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself, my eyes heavy with fatigue.


Then I remembered that the next day, I would be having sex with the Lycan King, Oregon. I felt a sudden wave of despair wash over me.


"How am I supposed to have sex in this state?" I kept whispering, as I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt so lost and uncertain.


As I lay on my bed, I remembered that I had promised to sleep with him the next day. I felt a sense of dread settle over me, my mood souring as I gazed at the ceiling.


I was lost in thought when I heard a knock at the door. With a sigh, I forced a smile onto my face, assuming it was Oregon. Propping myself up on my elbows, I called out, "Come in!"


To my surprise, it was the maidservant who opened the door, not Oregon.


"Oh," I whispered, sinking back down onto the bed. "What is it?" I asked quietly.


"Queen Laura has asked you to come to her room," the maidservant replied.


"Did she give any indication of why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.


"No, she did not," the maidservant replied.


"Alright, I'll be on my way," I said, getting up from the bed and heading for the door.


As the maidservant left the room, my thoughts raced. I wondered what Queen Laura could possibly want to see me about. I could only hope that there wasn't a problem and that she didn't want to cause any trouble.


After a while, I summoned the strength to get out of bed. I dragged my feet to Queen Laura's room and knocked on the door.


"Come in," Queen Laura called out, and I pushed open the door. Inside, I saw Queen Laura and Isabella sitting on the sofa next to each other, their expressions grim.


After studying their faces, I took a deep breath. "Can I sit?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.


"Of course," Queen Laura said, gesturing to the empty chair across from them.


I sat down slowly, my legs shaking. I looked at Isabella, whose face was twisted into a scowl.


"Are you feeling unwell?" she asked, her eyes darting across my face.


"No," I replied, looking straight ahead and avoiding her gaze.


"You look a bit sick though," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Your skin is so pale and your expression is so... distressed." She wrinkled her nose. "You're even sweating.


"I'm not sick!" I snapped, my voice harsh.


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