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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 86




"You're early today," I heard Damien say, and I smiled. I was skipping rope when he walked in, and there was a broad, bright smile on his face.


"Good morning," I whispered.


"Good morning. How was your night?" He asked softly, and I swallowed hard.


"It was... okay," I replied, looking away.


"Should we just skip today?" He asked, and my gaze quickly went to him.


"What... What do you mean?" I stuttered, my eyes twitching. "Are you saying we won't train today? I don't want that."


"It's for your own good. You seem unlike yourself these days, and trust me, I don't like it. Why not have a good rest and come back when you feel like it?" He said.


"No, I'm fine, and I'm serious about it," I said and chuckled, then continued jumping over the rope.


He gulped audibly and came close to me.


"You should go back. What if you get hurt?" I asked, with widened eyes, as I feared the rope might mistakenly smack his face.


He didn't say anything, he just continued coming closer and I had no choice but to allow the rope to drop from my hands. I sighed deeply and ran my tongue across my lips.


"I'm really fine, Damien. You won't stop me from training today," I said.


"I heard about everything," he said quickly and my eyes blinked fast.


"Huh? What did you hear?" I asked, my voice showing how curious I was.


His fists clenched tightly, and he took more steps towards me. I looked away nervously, wondering why he was coming even closer.


"What... What is the problem?" I stuttered.


"King Oregon told everyone the truth about you and him. Didn't you hear?" He asked, and I chuckled.


"Of course, I did. The press took it outside. The television, radio, and even the media won't stop talking about it. Is that what you wanted to say? You made me nervous and scared for a second there," I laughed and crouched low to pick up the skipping rope.


At that moment, Damien also bent down and we both managed to share gazes.


"How are you feeling?" He asked, and I slowly forced a smile.


"I'm fine...," I whispered. "I don't care what anyone says. I've always wanted Oregon to tell everyone we were mates," I said.


"I know you aren't fine, so can you stop pretending? Cry if you want to. Be angry if you want to. Stop bottling all the emotions in. You will only ruin yourself and your mind. I've been there before, trust me," he said.


I shook my head. "I'm not sure you know what you are saying. Let's start training. I don't need to skip rope anymore since you are here now," I said softly as I stood up.


Damien stood up quickly and pulled me into his arms before encircling his arms around me, engaging me in a warm embrace.


"What... What are you doing?" I whispered, trying to push him away from his grasp, but he was strong enough for me not to leave.



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