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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 90




I kept sniffing, as my nose couldn't stop running. I held Oregon tighter, as if leaving him would make me lose him. I heard him sigh softly and I looked up.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I took so long for a minute," I said, forcing a chuckle.


"Are you alright now?" He asked, with a cold look on his face.


"I'm fine… Thank you," I whispered, and he nodded.


The instant he turned to leave, I quickly grabbed him by the waist. His legs halted and he slowly turned to face me.


"What is it?" He asked softly, trying hard for his voice not to break or shake.


I swallowed hard before saying anything. "Please don't go."


"What?" His voice echoed, as he shook his head.


"Don't leave me, please. Just stay with me, can you?" I whispered, my eyes twitching as they welled up in tears.


"You know we can't. It is over between us," He said, and fresh tears began to run down my eyes.


"I think I'm beginning to fall for Dennis. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, sobbing, with my eyes down.


"What? Are you falling for him?" He asked, and I sniffed, nodding my head.


"Are you serious about that? Are you really falling in love with him?" He asked, and I took my eyes to him.


"I think so. I just can't explain the feelings. I must be going crazy. I think I'm in love with Damien," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.


"But why!" He yelled, and punched the air. I shook in fear as a result.


"What do you mean by that?" I asked, confused.


"What about me? What about the feelings you had for me?" He screamed, hitting his chest like it was made of metal.


"The feelings I had for you?" I asked, growing more confused.


"Yes! Have you forgotten that we were once lovers? Did you suddenly forget everything that we have been through? The feelings we had for each other?" He asked, his face looking angry, with his eyebrows going downwards.


"What is that supposed to mean!" I yelled at his face, obviously angry. "Why would I have any more feelings for you when you act strange towards me? I don't love you anymore, Oregon. The person I love now is Damien. I think you should leave me now," I said, and looked away.


"It's a big lie," He snarled, and pushed me aggressively to the wall before cornering me there.


I sighed and tried to walk away from his sight, but he wasn't ready to let me go.


"Can you allow me to leave?" I asked, exhausted and angry already.


"Vivian. You love me, right?" He asked, his voice shaking.


I scoffed, and shook my head. "Not anymore, Oregon."


"No, I disagree! You are lying to me, Vivian. I know you love me. Why else would you ask me to stay with me? Why would you ask me a few minutes ago not to leave, huh!" He asked.


"Isn't the answer obvious and simple?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows. "I just hate being alone while crying. I needed solace, and you happened to be here. Sorry if I triggered you."


"You can't keep uttering these lies, Vivian. You still love me and I know that," He snapped.



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