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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 92




"I… I can explain," I gulped, my voice shaking and breaking without control.


Vivian gasped, tears running down her cheeks. She covered her mouth with both palms and shook her head.


"Tell me it's a lie… I beg you," she said, shaking her head.


"I don't know the full story yet, Vivian. I'll try to get the clear picture to understand why I did that," I said, walking closer to her, but she quickly backed away.


"But you still killed my biological mother and father, and nothing can justify that. You are a murderer, Oregon… or maybe you have always been a murderer," she scoffed, tears still running down her cheeks.


"Who told you that?" I asked, and she wiped her eyes.


"You don't have to know. Wait a minute, was this the reason?" She asked, holding back sobs.


"Huh…" I mumbled, blinking my eyes fast.


"Was this the reason you decided to end things with me? It all makes sense now," she uttered, sobbing quietly.


"Vivian…" I muttered, feeling heartbroken. "Give me a chance to find everything."


"I can't believe this. I just can't. Oregon, let's end this. It's over between us. I will leave this place and give birth to the kids. They don't need to know you or they might loathe you as well," she snapped, glaring at me.


I couldn't say anything. I simply watched her, with tears rolling down my clear eyes.


"Firstly, there is something I should do," she said, and turned around, then started running away. I grew curious and followed her, and she finally stopped at my mother's room.


She kicked the door aggressively, nearly causing it to fall off. The hinges even got damaged as a result. A shocked Laura and Isabella faced us.


"How dare you!" Laura snapped. "What are you doing here, and who gave you the audacity to kick the door? You've got no knuckles for knocking again?"


Vivian snorted and walked up to her. "You did that purposely, right?" She asked, a smirk on her face.


Laura's eyes blinked fast. "What… What are you talking about? I have no idea what you are even saying," she replied, her voice shaking.


"You and Isabella just wanted me to leave this pack, so that you would have Oregon to yourselves, and wow, that worked!" Vivian said, and laughed sinisterly, making Laura and Isabella shake.


"I think you should leave now, Vivian. What is wrong with you?" Isabella said.


"I'm not talking to you, bitch," Vivian snapped.


"Huh? Hold on! Did you just call me a bitch?" Isabella asked, a furious look on her face.


"Yes, I did, and I will keep calling you that again, and again. You are a bitch!" Vivian yelled.


Isabella ran to her, and advanced to land a slap on Vivian's face, but Vivian was fast enough to grab Isabella's hand in mid-air. Isabella also tried to take her hand down, but Vivian seemed strong.


Isabella was quite flustered. "What do you think you are doing? Let go of me."


Vivian harshly took her hand down and quickly slapped Isabella, who moaned loudly in pain.


"Hey! What was that for!" Isabella yelled, holding her affected cheek.


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