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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Revelations After Alcohol

After the call ended, Christian's face hardened as he got up from his chair.

"Go and summon the person looking after Charlie," he commanded.

"Yes," Steve responded promptly.

Soon enough, the servant was presented before him, looking quite uneasy.

"Mr. Patterson..."

"Have you been taking care of Charlie all this time?"

Christian's tone grew frigid.

The servant's face turned pale.

Her voice trembled as she spoke in fragments, "Yes..."

Christian's eyes narrowed as he watched her. His demeanor turned icy.

A sharp rebuke burst out of Steve, who was standing close by.

"Be honest. Can you dare to hide anything from Mr. Patterson when he questions you?"

The servant trembled slightly. She hesitated for a few seconds, then couldn't hold back and spilled the truth.

"It's not something I wanted, but Ms. Cohen warned me not to tell you.

"Ms. Cohen often had me bring Charlie over during this period. She locked Charlie in the room while everyone cared for Mr. Jake Patterson.

"Charlie is so young he gets scared and cries a lot. Whenever he cries, Ms. Cohen..."

The servant hesitated, a touch of fear in her expression.

"What does she do?" Steve questioned her.

"Ms. Cohen scolds him and occasionally even hits him. She doesn't let him eat. We're helpless..."

The servant hung her head, trembling all over.

She continued to speak in a low voice, "Perhaps it's because young master can't speak, and Ms. Cohen harbors resentment. She can't take it out on her son and vents her frustration on him..."

Who would have thought the glamorous woman would be harsh on a child?

An eerie silence filled the office.

Christian's expression turned extremely grim. As his demeanor changed, a chill seemed to fill the air around him. It was as if the temperature had dropped several degrees, and his expression turned dark and threatening.

He abruptly seized the six-figure ornament on the desk and forcefully hurled it to the ground. Veins slightly bulged on his arms, and his entire body taut with tension.

The servant dared not utter another word.


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