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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Give Him a Proper Status

After all, Amanda had a prominent position in the entertainment industry and served as a final judge in major domestic and international film festivals. She had hardly any scandals since her debut.

However, as she grew older, many people started discussing her personal relationships.

But without her own admission or solid evidence, no one knew for sure what the truth was like.

The current rumors and speculations were a heavy blow to Amanda.

Taking down those hashtags made people feel that she and her supporters were afraid of the truth being found out. However, a direct response would inevitably expose her private life.

No matter what, Amanda had been caught in a mess.

The development of public opinion was too fast.

Starlight Entertainment was pressuring the social platform, while the other side was also exerting continuous pressure.

This resulted in an increasingly polarized discussion where some people believed in Amanda and saw it as a conspiracy, while others were completely deceived and joined in discussing the mysterious financial backer behind Amanda.

Finally, Anastasia called Amanda, and Amanda was so angry that she couldn't even eat.

Anastasia spoke gently and softly, "Mom, after all these years, isn't it time to give Dad a proper status?

"What? I'm doing it for his own good. Otherwise, he would always be under scrutiny when he goes out. And if I compromise, wouldn't it be admitting defeat?"

Amanda was angry and anxious, and Baxter was giving her a shoulder massage from the side.

"I think what our daughter said was right. Why don't I come forward? Then everything is solved. What's the big deal? I have my reputation, my dignity, and my wealth. There's nothing to be afraid of. We've been together for decades, and seeing you being attacked like this really hurts me," Baxter said while squeezing her shoulder.

Amanda sighed and leaned against his shoulder.

"I'm a public figure. If you announced our relationship, people would magnify and criticize it a hundredfold. I didn't want you to be speculated and talked about," she said.

Baxter smiled, "What do I have to be afraid of? I haven't done anything wrong. I'm not t afraid of being talked about."


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