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Mafia Desire (Erotica) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53
Andrew’s POV

"I found her boss." One of my assassins said, entering my office. I looked up from my desk and raised an eyebrow at him, questioning him.

He got the hint and started to explain, "I was told she was hanging with Travis Gambino so I started to look at his house, jets and islands and one of my contacts spotted her at his house in LA."

My blood started to boil just at the thought of them together.

"She lied to me when she said she didn’t see him like that. She was with him." I thought to myself.

"Continue." I managed to say, restraining myself from throwing chairs across the room.

"Well supposedly she is using one of his jets and coming back to New York." He added.

My eyes flickered too him and I clenched my jaw as hard as I could, trying not too kill anyone I saw or throw anything I saw. "Kill her." I hissed, beyond furious.

"Yes, boss. She will be landing in 20 minutes." He said, before rushing out of my office.

I watched as he left before I started throwing things. I grabbed my glass of whiskey that I was drinking and threw it across the room at a wall, causing it to shatter into tiny pieces.

I threw all of my papers of my desk and then proceeded to flip my office desk in rage. I couldn’t see anything but red.

"I let my guard down for a pretty face and she fucking betrays me."

"I bet that whole story about Sylvester was a fucking lie."

I continued to throw chairs and books everywhere as thoughts raced around my brain.

"I lov-"

"No, I didn’t. She was nothing too me, nothing but a whore."

"She would die and rot in hell."

I stopped throwing things and slowed my breathing. I started to come out of my rage and I began to see things again.

I heard a ringing from my pocket and grabbed my phone out of it. "What." I growled, still furious.

"I killed her boss, she will die a slow death." He replied.

At that moment my heart stopped and I was no longer angry, I was mournful.

Even if she was fake, everything I felt was real.

She showed me the beauty of the world, I was happy with her, I felt calm with her and I would never feel it again because she wasn’t with me anymore. I hated myself before she came into my life, she accepted me...

But it was fake and she killed my men, she betrayed my trust, she lied to me and I was too blind too see it. No matter what I would always miss her but I needed to mask it with anger, she wasn’t there anymore and I should be happy... I was happy.

"Good." I replied, hanging up. I scanned the room, looking at the mess I had made, books scattered, chairs broken, everything glass no longer intact.

"Boss." I heard Alex say, cracking the door open.

"What, Alex?" I sneered, not in the mood to talk.

"I have a few things too talk about with you." He said, walking into the room, with Ashley behind him.

I rolled my eyes and sat down in the only chair that wasn’t broken. "Fine, make it quick." I hissed.

"Yes, boss." He said, standing in front of me with some files in his hand.

"We are going to need to start training the recruits now since we are going to war soon." He continued, handing me the files.

My eyes snapped away from the file and up to his, "War? What the hell are you talking about?" I growled, not in the mood for bs.

"Why wouldn’t we go to war?" I heard Ashley say, coming out from behind Alex. She started too messaged my biceps and tried to shove her chest in my face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled, standing up so Ashley would get off of me.

She took a few steps back, surprised at my movement. "Well Travis took Ava from you, so well w-we thought that..." She stumbled.

Red flashed through my eyes when Ashley said her name. "She is worthless and dead. I am not going to start a war over it." I said, dangerously low so both Ashley and Alex took my words seriously.

"Boss, but she was working with Travis and she blew up our base." Alex said, trying to change my mind.

I took a few steps towards Alex, towering over him "If I say no war, you will not question it." I hissed.

I turned away from him and started to walk back to my chair but stopped when I felt a cool material touch the back of my neck. I whipped around, facing Alex again.

He had a gun pointed at my forehead and a dangerous look on his face. I raised my eyebrow questioning his actions, "Think very carefully about what you’re doing." I said.

"If you had just gone with what I said I wouldn’t have to do this." He said, motioning for me to sit down.

"This bastard really thinks he can outsmart me."


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