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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Ralph's Reproaches

Bennett drove so fast that his car was like a ghost, shuttling through the city.

Blood dripped from his arm and stained the seat.

Suddenly, the piercing sound of brakes burst out.

The car came to a sudden stop.

Bennett felt dizzy.

He took out his mobile phone and called Vincent. "Come to me."

After giving the order, he hung up.

The next second, he fainted.

After receiving the call, Vincent quickly used his mobile phone to locate Bennett's car with GPS. Without any delay, he headed in that direction.

By the time Vincent arrived, 15 minutes had passed.

Seeing that Bennett was unconscious from his injuries inside the car, Vincent was frightened.

He immediately called Ralph.

Within ten minutes, the medical team rushed to the scene, followed by Ralph.

"Where is he? How's he doing? Why would he faint on the roadside?"

As soon as the car was stopped, Ralph leaned on his cane and hurried out.

"Ralph, don't be so anxious. Mr. Shaffer is now being treated in an ambulance, and Ryker is also here."

Vincent comforted Ralph, but in fact, he was already in a cold sweat.

While the two of them were talking, the door of the ambulance was pushed open. Then Ryker stumbled out of it.

Seeing that, Vincent rushed forward and helped him. "Ryker, is Mr. Shaffer alright?"

Ralph also hurried forward with his crane. "How is he now?"

"Relax. He is alright. His arm is wounded and bleeding, so he fainted."

"Is it his hematophobia again?"

Ralph frowned tightly.

Ryker sighed, "Yes, that's still the reason."

"How did Mr. Shaffer scrape his arm?" Ralph asked Vincent.


Vincent could only tell the truth, "Mr. Shaffer drove out by himself, and I came to pick him up. I just checked the condition of the car, and it seems like there was a car accident…"

Vincent's last words were uttered with trepidation.

As he had expected, as soon as he finished speaking, Ralph raised his crane and hit him hard on the leg.

"How dare you let Mr. Shaffer drive by himself and not in the same car with him? You know that he has hematophobia. What if one day, when we are not by his side, his symptoms act up? Just like today. If something does happen, can any of you take responsibility for it? Tell me! Who can take responsibility then?"

Vincent lowered his head and listened to Ralph's reproaches, not daring to say a word.

"That's enough, Ralph. Stop scolding him. This matter has nothing to do with him."

At that moment, Bennett, who was already awake, stepped out of the ambulance.

His injured left arm was wrapped in gauze.

When Ralph saw Bennett come out, he immediately left Vincent behind and hurried forward. "How are you? Do you feel any better?"

He took Bennett's arm and looked at it, his eyes full of distress. "Is your arm alright? Why would you be involved in a car accident?"

Bennett's face darkened. Obviously, he didn't want to talk about the "car accident."

He withdrew his arm from Ralph's hand and said, "I'm fine. It's just a slight scratch. There's no need to make such a fuss."

After saying that, Bennett sat in the car that Ralph had come with.

Ralph also followed in. "You're not good at driving. Do not drive on your own again. Otherwise, we will be very worried."

Bennett had not expected to hear that.

He thought, "What's wrong with my driving skills?!


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