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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 The Letters in the Ring

Catalina wanted to cry. She grabbed the towel, bit it, and said with tears in her eyes, "Bennett, be gentle! Ouch! I got injured on duty! I will claim compensation from the company tomorrow!"

She thought she was pitiful!

"Bennett, you hurt me! Don't you think you should compensate me?"

Bennett remained silent, ignoring her words.

Catalina kept rambling because she wanted to distract herself from the pain.

"It hurts so much! Could you please agree to accept my interview now?"

"No way!"

Although he had finally replied, he had resolutely refused her with two simple words.

Catalina gave him a resentful look and pouted, asking, "How can I make you accept my interview?"

Bennett let go of her hand, stared at her with a red-hot and complicated look, and replied, "It depends on what you can do for me."

Catalina's heart skipped a beat when she asked, "What do you mean?"

Bennett grabbed a disposable towel to wipe his hands and threw it into the trash can. Then, he stood up, glanced at her confused face, and said, "I'm leaving!"


Catalina chased after him and said, "You haven't answered my question!"

When Bennett strode forward with his hands in his pockets, Vincent silently followed behind him.

Catalina craned her neck and shouted, "Bennett!"

But he turned a deaf ear, turned around, and entered a VIP exclusive lounge. Then, Vincent respectfully waited outside the door.

Seeing this, Catalina pushed open the door without hesitation, walked in, and said, "Bennett, let's talk..."

Seeing the scene in the lounge, she suddenly swallowed the words on the tip of her tongue and blushed scarlet.

Bennett had taken off his white sweatshirt. Because of the exercise just now, his well-developed muscles had been fully stimulated, and his muscle lines looked smooth. With the sweat beads on his skin, he looked sexy, wild, and manly.

Few women could resist such a strong figure. Although Catalina had strong willpower, she was fascinated every time.

Bennett was taken aback to see her suddenly enter the door. After coming back to his senses, he threw the sweatshirt onto the leather chair and said, "You look at my body like this every time. Haven't you seen it enough?"

Catalina was at a loss for words. After recovering from the shock, she said with a flushed face, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you are changing clothes. I'll go out right away! We'll talk when you're done."

She couldn't even straighten her tongue because of nervousness. After finishing speaking, she turned around, intending to run away.

But Bennett unexpectedly grabbed her by the wrist and asked, "Did I let you go?"

Before she could react, he suddenly picked her up.

"Ah!" Catalina screamed.

When her delicate body fell into his strong and hot arms, she defensively pressed her small hands against his tight chest and asked, "What are you doing?"

She felt burning hot in her palms. And the wet and sticky touch instantly made her blush. And she felt limp all over as if an electric current was going through her body.


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