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Master Head of the Dragon Soul novel Chapter 142

Yun Muqing looked at the fridge; a grudging look flashed through her beautiful eyes and her face filled with anger.

Likang Sports Arena was an arena where more than ten sport matches, including soccer, basketball, boxing and others, were held. The arena, which was 20,000 square meters wide, was elaborately equipped. In secret, it served as the illegal underground boxing ring of Jiangling City. Parties from different gangs of the Jiangling underworld would often settle their scores in the arena through deadly boxing matches and fights.

Today, Ma Sanyuan, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas, collaborated with the gang leaders from Jiangbei Six Cities, and organized a match against their old enemy, Zhou Zhenghao, who had returned from his downfall. The purpose of the match was to reorganize and redistribute their territories in Jiangling. The match, which would be participated by numerous renowned elite martial artists, was so grand that it attracted the attention of almost every citizen in Jiangling.

The outcome of the match would determine the change in extension and distribution of influences for various Jiangbei underworld gangs. Besides, the outcome would determine the greatest martial artist in Jiangling, which further elevated the spirit of many martial arts fanatics. Therefore, many notables were willing to pay a fortune in order to watch the great match live in the arena.

“Well, all gang leaders from Jiangbei have come to this great match. I wonder who is Ma Sanyuan’s enemy, who dares to challenge the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas.”

“Hmph! Young man, that enemy of Ma Sanyuan used to be a man of great influence. His name is Zhou Zhenghao. He used to control over two-thirds of the territories in Jiangbei. Back then, the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas was just a small gang with about ten members. Even Ma Sanyuan himself needed to greet and address Zhou Zhenghao as ‘Master Hao’ politely when he saw the latter around.”

“Later, Ma Sanyuan cooperated with other gang leaders in Jiangbei to set Zhou Zhenghao up and took over his territories by killing his trusted men and ousted him from Jiangbei. Since then, both parties have been constantly at war and they never got along in peace.”

“Now, Zhou Zhenghao regained his fame. With the help of two expert martial artists, he managed to come back and wiped out over ten territories of the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas within a night. They injured over 200 of Ma Sanyuan’s men. Only then did Ma Sanyuan collaborate with the gang leaders of Jiangbei and invited over ten renowned martial artists to have a death match against Zhou Zhenghao. The party who loses will vow to leave the underworld of Jiangbei.”

“Oh my god, 200 men were injured by just two men? Man, that’s crazy! Today’s match must be awesome, I must keep my eyes on it!”

“Yeah, that’s right! But too bad some small potatoes like us can only stay outdoors and watch the live-streamed match from the big screen instead of going indoors. Otherwise, even if we can only sneak a peek at those gang leaders’ grand demeanor, it would still be worthwhile.”


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