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Master Head of the Dragon Soul novel Chapter 242

The old man's eyes were wide open and seemed like he was pouting before spitting out a jujube the size of a pigeon egg. That was the thing stuck in the old man's throat, causing him to fall into a deathlike coma.

He coughed and said, "That was suffocating! What a relief!"

"Dad, dad! You finally woke up!" His children huddled around him and hugged him as they began crying from relief.

The people gathered around them began applauding and throwing praise about.

"He really managed to bring him back to life! He's really a miraculous doctor."

"He's young but he's promising. He really did well."

"Great job, man! Traditional medicine really does have its benefits after all."

Fu Nanhua's face was full of admiration as he laughed loudly. However, the gleam in Tang Sisi's eyes flickered, and she was getting mixed feelings from the scene before her. Yun Muqing, on the other hand, held Chu Feng's hand, her heart bursting from pride and excitement.

Afterwards, the old man and his children repeatedly expressed their gratitude, but Chu Feng only waved their thanks away. He did not say much before leaving with Fu Nanhua. He left everyone remaining in the room in awe of his skills.

"Chu, I still have plenty of questions to ask. I'll have to intrude on your time for a bit."

Fu Nanhua led Chu Feng excitedly to a café at the lower level of the mall, and they chatted for almost an hour.

During that discussion, some of Chu Feng's theories and medical experience offered a new light on the topic. It was as if Chu Feng had opened a door to a new world, and so Fu Nanhua began to admire Chu Feng.

Chu Feng smiled. The Collection of Mystical Healing was the lifetime work of the Great Dharma Monk. The monk has treated countless people in his life. His expertise in medicine alone was enough to be compared with the Compendium of Materia Medica and the Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease. It was a pity that the monk's lifetime of hard work had been obscured by dust, and no one had discovered it for two hundred years.

"Chu, a conversation with you has benefitted me more than reading multiple books! I learned so much today." Fu Nanhua took some serious notes. With an excited yet contemplative expression on his face, the world-renowned doctor looked like a primary school student at that moment.

"If you need any assistance from me in the future, feel free to ask at any time," Fu Nanhua offered.

Chu Feng thought for a moment before replying, "I do have something that could use your help."

Tang Sisi rolled her eyes testily as she sipped on her milk tea. It seems that you'll just take up whatever handouts you can get, huh? You must really be a donkey! She thought.

Although Chu Feng managed to prove that he wasn't a liar purely with his abilities, Tang Sisi was still upset at the thought that she was about to be a disciple of such a man.

I hope he has a bad memory. Please just forget about it.


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