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Master Head of the Dragon Soul novel Chapter 271

After the meeting, Muqing ran up to Chu Feng and caught hold of his arm in excitement and delight.

"Chu Feng, I never imagined that one day I would be in such a high position. It’s just like a dream."

Chu Feng chuckled softly. "There's still a long road ahead of you. Your future isn't solely tied up with just the Yun Group alone, you know.

"Jiangling, Jiangbei, and even the whole of Donghua will be at your feet. All you'll need to do is just survey them from your queenly throne."

Muqing abruptly pursed her lips and giggled. "Who do you think I am, the princess of some kingdom or its queen? Alright, stop pipe-dreaming; let’s hurry back home. Since Muyu has been looking after Duo Duo for the last few days, goodness knows how my darling daughter has been spending her time."

Chu Feng merely smiled faintly, his eyes warm and full of confidence. As he gazed upon Muqing’s exquisite face, in his heart, he murmured, Let me lift your hand, and you’ll be the queen of the entire world.

Both of them walked off together, side by side. This attracted the attention of everyone in the company and stirred up a storm of discussion.

"Wow, who’s that man? Our Director’s boyfriend?"

"He’s so handsome! They’re truly a perfectly matched pair."

"Sigh. Goodness knows how many of our young male colleagues have had their hopes dashed now."

Muqing’s face turned redder by the minute; she hurriedly quickened her pace so she could escape this hotbed of gossip.

First, she stopped by her parents’ house, however.

Once word had gotten out that Muqing’s promotion to Director was confirmed, and her future was looking exceedingly bright, more than a dozen fawning aunts and other brown-nosing

relatives had come to visit. Muqing’s mother, Fenglan, was her usual snobbish self, mingling around with the visitors and thoroughly basking in all the ego-boosting flattery.

Muqing had long since seen through the façade of these backstabbing, opportunistic relatives.

She did not bother entertaining their lavish flattery and coldly sent them on their way.

"Wait, wait, don’t leave yet! Really, Muqing, these are our relatives. How can you be so unreasonable?" Fenglan was extremely aggrieved. It had been far too long since she had such

a moment of glory or even a chance to be in the limelight like this.


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