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Master Head of the Dragon Soul novel Chapter 5

Chu Feng froze.

“Yeah. Mommy told me that Daddy was a soldier, a big hero!” Even through his stupor, Chu Feng could see the pride and joy in Duo Duo’s eyes. “He’s more powerful than Superman and more handsome than Iron Man.”

“Sure, Daddy has never come to see me but Mommy told me that’s because he needs to protect so many more people, and catch all the baddies! I don’t blame him, but I really miss him…” Duo Duo teared up, then quickly wiped her eyes. “But Mommy also told me that if I were in danger, or Mommy and I were getting bullied, Daddy will appear in front of me and protect me!”

The girl’s jet-black eyes blinked repeatedly with hope and want. “Mister, you’re so powerful, so you must be someone sent by Daddy to protect me. He’s coming back soon to see me, isn’t he? Isn’t he?”

Chu Feng felt his chest grow so heavy he couldn’t breathe, so he could only nod with tears in his eyes, and answered, “Yeap. You’re so smart, Duo Duo.”

“Yay! Daddy’s coming home! I’ll finally have a daddy!” The girl immediately jumped with joy. Her smile seemed so unbelievably pure and innocent, as if it were a dream, a hallucination that could end with a single touch. Yun Muqing was also tearing up, so she discreetly turned to wipe her tears.

The pain and suffering they had gone through all these years was something that only she and Duo Duo knew; it would be hard for an outsider to understand.

“Mister Creep, I’m going to show you a secret. Only you and I know about this, not my teacher and not even Mommy.” Duo Duo dragged Chu Feng to her room and took out a drawing with a wistful expression. “Look, Mister Creep! I drew my daddy in military uniform. He’s the one holding the gun, and the two red people in the back are Mommy and me! When Daddy comes back, Mommy won’t be bullied by those bad guys anymore. I won’t have to take the long way back from school because I’m scared of the stray dogs, and Xiao Hu and the others won’t call me a fatherless wild kid anymore… I’m so happy, Mister Creep. Do you know that?”

Chu Feng’s hands shook when he held the immature yet innocent drawing in his hands. All the emotions he felt, the strong guilt and self-blaming, burst forth from him in an instant and he couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m sorry, my child. Your father is no hero. He’s the world’s most useless, selfish man. A cowardly, animal-like bastard!” He felt the urge to slap himself twice.

“What’s wrong, Mister Creep?” Duo Duo blinked and used her tiny hand to wipe away Chu Feng’s warm tears. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry, Duo Duo. I still have something to do, so I’ll come visit you another day.” Chu Feng turned and strode out in big steps. Right now, his thoughts were a mess and all he wanted was to leave this place, to leave his guilty self behind!

“Chu Feng!” Yun Muqing followed him outside and yelled, but realized that he was already gone. Furrowing her slender brow, she shook her head. “What a strange man.”

The air was getting cold outside. Chu Feng’s tall body leaned against a maple tree as he lit a cigarette, troubled by melancholic thoughts.


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