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Master Head of the Dragon Soul novel Chapter 601

He didn't think too much about it. After all, he was the most powerful person in the scene.

He took a step forward, pointed at Chu Feng, and ordered, "I am Wang Hu, the deputy police inspector of the Yenching police force. I order you to arrest that dangerous individual now! If he resists, shoot him on the spot!"

Wang Fu adjusted the collar of his uniform, feeling very good about himself.

He had never issued orders to two thousand people before, and it would be very rare that he would get to do it again.

Lu Ba and the guests couldn't wait to see Chu Feng with his knees on the floor begging for mercy. Soon, the brazen intruder would either be cowering before Lu Ba's feet or lying in a puddle of his own blood.

Unexpectedly, none of the soldiers or police officers moved.

Wang Hu frowned hard. He cleared his throat and said, "Didn't you hear me earlier? I said, apprehend this criminal and execute my orders!"

The only reply he got was from the night breeze.

Chu Feng tapped the table surface rhythmically.

Lu Ba's anxiety rose, and he instinctively sat up straight. His years of leading the Sirius Society had given him the instinct of detecting danger.

"Are you blind, deaf, or both? I am the deputy inspector and your superior! How dare you ignore my orders? Do you want to die or be thrown into hail?" Wang Hu roared angrily. He even took a whip and whipped one of the soldiers' faces.


The soldier's face split open, and fresh blood gushed out.

To Wang Hu's surprise, the soldier remained standing with his eyes firmly fixed on the space in front of him, as though he didn't feel any pain at all!


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