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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 

She was determined to take this chance to utterly crush Brielle. Turning on her heel, she strode. towards the orphanage’s main door, her eyes brimming with resentment as she flung it open

Brielle, the doctor’s back. Don’t you want to know the results?” 

What Lillian really wanted to call her was something far less polite, but with the crowd around, she had to keep up appearances

Brielle, however, was well aware of Lillian’s true colors, and with the recent revelation to Mark, she didn’t mince her words. Lillian, I honestly don’t care about the results, but if you really are a Haywood, your future encounters with Cameron are going to be quite entertaining.” 

A flash of pity crossed Lillian’s eyes. It seemed Brielle was still in the dark about who they had. conducted the paternity test with

It wasn’t the Haywoods at all. Lillian no longer cared for the Haywoods; what she craved was the status of a miss from an international dynasty

She watched Brielle with mock sympathy, as if gazing upon a pitiful creature. You know nothing, and that’s truly sad.” 

Brielle couldn’t help but chuckle, especially at the sight of Lillian’s feigned pity. What I mean is, no matter whose daughter I am, I’m still me. Nothing’s going to change.” 

This holierthanthou attitude was exactly what Lillian loathed the most. You’re all tough talk now, but why don’t we step outside and listen to the results together?” 

Lillian scoffed, but she felt uneasy under Mark’s gaze and quickly looked away. Mark sighed. and, with Brielle’s support, they both stepped outside

The doctor had already come down from his car, eager to deliver the results without delay. As he looked at the report in his hands, he felt at a loss for words

His expression only heightened the tension, and Lillian swallowed hard, Well? Am I or am I notShe was too nervous to finish her sentence, her eyes pleading with the doctor

The doctor frowned, shaking his head one moment and nodding the next

Lillian was itching to snatch the report and see for herself

Brielle was the calmest there. Despite her disheveled appearance and swollen cheeks, her gaze was steady and serene as she looked off into the distance. The others wore their anxiety plainly, including Miranda and Robert

Spencer and Faith were full of anticipation, and Cameron’s face bore the most complex expression

The doctor sighed, Miss Lillian, congratulations are in order. You now have parents.” 

At his words, Lillian let out a sharp scream, her cheeks flushed with excitement



Chapter 145 

She really was that mega rich family’s daughter! She just wanted to laugh out loud

Lillian couldn’t contain herself any longer, staring at Brielle with blatant scorn, See, you really are nothing but trash. Even fate doesn’t care for you.” 

Lillian was so triumphant she even raised her hand, eager to slap Brielle’s face, but as her wrist was midair, Brielle raised her own hand and slapped her without hesitation

Lillian was stunned, stumbling backward. Everyone else was just as shocked, none expecting Brielle to react that way

Brielle smiled at them, Congratulations. Consider that slap a wedding gift for you and Spencer. From here on out, we go our separate ways.” 

Heaven knew how relieved she felt, her eyes reddening with joy. For years of grievances had vanished; she wasn’t a Haywood after all

What right did the Haywoods have to make her suffer? No more would she indulge them


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