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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 

She had wanted to approach him further, but Max’s countenance was so icecold that it made. her shrink back, scurrying into her own room


Max tapped on the door and rang the doorbell several times

Amidst a groggy haze, Brielle thought she heard her name being called

A burning pain seared through her stomach as she slowly awoke, hearing the doorbell and Max’s voice, mistaking them for auditory hallucinations

Shouldn’t he have returned to the Dorsey family manor by now? And wouldn’t the Dorsey. household be buzzing with activity tonight

Brielle frowned, feeling as though her blood was freezing over, unsure if it was due to the drop in temperature or the chill in her heart


The urgency in the man’s voice helped her realize that it wasn’t her imagination

Struggling to her feet, she made her way to the door and opened it

Max’s face tightened at the sight of her pale complexion and bloodstained lips. Stomachache?” 

She nodded, her eyelashes fluttering with drops of sweat rolling down

Max scooped her up in his arms and carried her straight to the elevator

Brielle rested against his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat, and slowly closed her eyes

The elevator came to a halt at the ground floor. Max carried her out, placing her gently in the passenger seat and leaned over to buckle her up

Brielle leaned her head back, hand over her stomach, hoping the position might alleviate some of the pain

After securing the seatbelt, Max moved to the driver’s side. What caused the stomachache?” 

Of course, Brielle did not want to admit it was Spencer who had upset her, and just thinking about the whole affair made her feel irritable. She was also worried about those photographs. making their way around

I forgot to eat.” 

Is the salary I give you worth all this, Ms. Brielle?” 

Max’s sarcasm wasn’t new to her. Brielle pursed her lips, her chest tight with anger and eyes brimming with tears, her hand at her side clenched slowly



Max frowned. Seeing that they had already reached the hospital, he parked the car and considered carrying her inside


ut Brielle pushed him away, trudging up the nearby staircase with labored breaths

Max stood rooted for a few seconds before following. Are you angry

His voice carried a hint of confusion, as he reached out to her again

I can go by myself. I can’t afford to waste Mr. Dorsey’s precious time. I’ll also take a few days off. The business trip will have to be postponed.” 

As Max watched her retreating figure, he couldn’t help but find her behavior slightly amusing

The elevator was right there, but because it was too close to him, Brielle had chosen the stairs. her silhouette exuding steam in her frustration

Max stood in place for a moment before slowly following her. Why take the stairs when there’s an elevator?” 

A few steps up, and Brielle already regretted her decision. Each rise of her foot sent sharp jabs of pain through her stomach, yet turning back to the elevator now would be too humiliating

Her hand gripped the railing, slick with sweat, her face turning even paler

Don’t worry about me.” 


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