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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 

Ever since their last indirect confrontation, Brielle had pegged Tessa as the epitome of selfishness. Now, her suspicions had solidified into certainty: Tessa was downright malicious at heart. Yet, for some unfathomable reason, Tessa had a flock of admirers singing her praises. Brielle wanted to buy some time, and she knew just how to needle Tessa into taking matters into her own hands. Tilting her head back with a challenging glare, Brielle taunted. Ms. Tessa, do you reckon Andrew would still treat you like a delicate, harmless bunny if he knew about your little schemes?” 

Her words were venomous, each sentence striking Tessa’s sore spots with precision. As expected, Tessa’s complexion shifted to a shade of fury, her foot crashing down on Brielle’s palm with a grinding pressure

Sweat trickled down Brielle’s forehead in large drops, but she didn’t utter a sound, continuing to provoke. I heard you bullied the class rep back in high school to the point of no return. Does Andrew know about that little episode?” 

Tessa felt a vein throb on her forehead, her heart pounding with anger. Drawing in deep breaths, she noted that even halfsplayed on the ground, disheveled as she was, Brielle’s demeanor didn’t waver. Her pride, even if burnt to ashes, would leave embers still glowing

Impressive. Tessa thought bitterly. She clapped her hands, signaling the guards looming outside to step in. Brielle, I’m actually curious to see how long you can keep up this tough 


Silence was Brielle’s response. She had bought as much time as she could. If Max didn’t arrive soon, then perhaps this was a twist of fate she couldn’t avoid

Let’s put some muscle into it, finish her off, and make sure you get it all on video.Tessa instructed coldly, rubbing her aching chest before turning to Sophia

Sophia, let’s go. There’s no need to witness this.” 

Sophia cast a pitying glance at Brielle but remained silent

Just as the gua were about to l their hands on Brielle’s neck; there was a knock at the door. It was Austin. Tessa, a member of the Rowland family has arrived. You should step out. for a moment.” 

Tessa was taken aback. Who could possibly show up at such a critical moment? Could it be Andrew? Was he coming to Brielle’s aid

The mere thought made her legs wobble, nearly causing her to faint then and there. Thankfully, Sophia was there to catch her

At the door, Austin was growing anxious. He could see a group of people approaching and knocked again, more urgently this time. Tessa, Max has unexpectedly shown up at the 

Chapter 236 

Rowland estate, claiming he’s here for Brielle. You should go lie down. Let me handle this.” 


At the mention of his name, Brielle exhaled a sigh of relief, her eyes welling with tears. It was a close call

Tessa, on the other hand, froze, thinking she was hallucinating. Even if the Dorsey family was to send someone, it should have been Brielle’s former fiancé. Why would it be Max

Austin, with a face flushed from urgency, opened the door. Tessa, you should rest. We’ll 

handle this.” 

Knowing Max was not someone to trifle with, Tessa allowed Sophia to help her back to her room via a side path


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