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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 

The lobby manager nodded curtly, swiftly grabbed a set of keys from the front desk, and, flanked by two burly bodyguards, made his way to the room Brielle had requested the previous night

This was Max’s private suite, a place only accessible to cleaning and sanitization staff. No one else ever set foot in there

The manager unlocked the door and was greeted by the sight of a pristine living room. The security feed showed that the man Brielle had brought with her had never left, yet the room was now eerily empty

*Clang Clang!

A noise echoed from the bathroom

The manager thought his ears were playing tricks on him, but he cautiously approached the bathroom door and pushed it open

Before him, tied to a chair, was Spencer. The sight threw the manager’s world into disarray. Wasn’t this the young master of the Dorsey family

Hope flickered in Spencer’s eyes as he saw someone other than Brielle, and he began to struggle frantically

The manager broke into a cold sweat and shot a look at his bodyguards. Without hesitation, one of the bodyguards crept up behind Spencer and knocked him out

The manager almost dropped the phone he was holding. Do you have any idea who he is? Who gave you the order to hit him? I meant for you to untie him!” 

The bodyguards were flabbergasted

As the manager gazed at the unconscious Spencer, he felt the air being squeezed out of his lungs. This was a disaster. He clutched his phone with trembling hands and called Max

Uh, Mr. Dorsey, it seems Ms. Brielle has… uh, tied up Mr. Spencer in the hotel, and, well, there’s something stuffed in his mouth.” 

Max’s eyes narrowed. You’re saying Brielle kidnapped Spencer?” 

The manager nodded frantically. Yes, what should I do now?” 

Max tapped his fingers lightly on the bedspread, pondering. Brielle had lured Spencer to the hotel to kidnap him? But why

Is the surveillance footage destroyed?” 

From the moment Ms. Brielle arrived at the hotel, all footage related to her and Mr. Spencer has been destroyed.” 

Chapter 256 

Alright, I’ll have someone come to move Spencer.” 

But Mr. Spencer saw our faces” 

It doesn’t matter.” 

With Max’s assurance, the manager wiped the sweat from his forehead, relieved that he wouldn’t be held responsible for Spencer’s predicament

Max’s voice came through the phone again, “Who was watching them?” 

The manager, prepared for this question, didn’t hesitate to reveal the name. A lady named Lillian. She seemed to have spent the entire night outside Ms. Brielle’s door and was the one who followed Ms. Brielle in, taking the room next door.” 

A chill passed over Max’s eyes. It was her again. I understand.” 

The manager let out a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but ponder. Ms. Brielle had kidnapped Mr. Spencer of the Dorsey family, and yet Max, the CEO, seemed to be covering up for her

It appeared Ms. Brielle held a significant place in the CEO’s heart. He turned to the bodyguards and cautioned them. From now on, keep a closer eye on Ms. Brielle’s affairs.” 


After hanging up. Max had Patrick arrange for a team to move Spencer. They acted swiftly. transporting the still unconscious Spencer to a secure location

No sooner had they left than Ryan’s men arrived, but after scouring the surveillance, they found no trace of Spencer at the hotel nor any sign of Brielle’s checkin


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