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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 270

Chapter 270 

A shadow of darkness flitted across her eyes. If that was the case, why couldn’t they get Lillian out

As Miranda mulled over this, her cell phone rang. It was Robert calling. Robert sounded irritated, Where are you? We’ve got the full picture on Lillian’s situation. The police are adamantas long as Brielle doesn’t crack, Lillian isn’t going anywhere.” 

A chill ran through Miranda’s gaze; it seemed she had been too lenient with Brielle earlier, and now she was still refusing to settle things privately

Robert’s next words deflated her completely. Stay away from Brielle for now. The Haywood family’s clients have all been poached by rival firms, and they’re crucial to us. None of them. are taking my calls. I suspect Max is behind this. If it’s really him, then the Haywood family is in jeopardy. He’s taking it out for Brielle because of what Lillian did. Don’t stir up more trouble. Miranda’s vision went dark, her heart pounding at the thought of her recent actions. Honey, are you sure? I heard Max left the country. Why would he care about Brielle? Could there be some 


Robert took a deep breath, not wanting to explain too much. All these women ever thought. about were their petty squabbles. Just steer clear of her. If Max really swiped the Haywood family’s clients, he’s likely got more up his sleeve.” 

Before he could finish, Cameron walked in, an aura of gloom about him. Father, we’ve lost. another bunch of clients. They’ve all signed with our competitors. A dozen partners served us. termination notices all at once. I just got a call from the shareholdersthey’re calling an emergency meeting. Things are looking grim.” 

Cameron slumped down, rubbing his hair in frustration. I reached out to some close partners. They were evasive, hinting we’d crossed someone. Even Mr. Connor from Apex Dynamics won’t take my calls.” 

Anxiety creased Cameron’s face. His phone rang, and he picked up urgently. The news from the other end was so shocking, his phone clattered to the floor

What’s going on?Robert exclaimed, startled

Cameron turned, his eyes devoid of life. Mr. Connor got in touch. It’s Max. He didn’t say much. just that, then hung up. Dad, we’re done for.” 

Miranda, still on the line, heard every word. The mere mention of Max sent their minds. crashing, unable to think

When this business prodigy made a move, others stood little chance, especially with ant apparent vendetta against the Haywood family

Miranda stood up, panicstricken, her palms slick with sweat. Max was targeting the Haywood 

Chapter 270 

family because of Brielle? But she had just spilled coffee on Brielle. What now

Catherine, seeing Miranda’s distress after the call, hurriedly asked, What’s wrong?” 

Before Miranda could answer, Catherine’s own phone rang. It was her husband. With a smile, she excused herself from the other ladies and answered


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