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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 

Max’s smile was like a chill wind that swept through the room, leaving a frost in its wake

Lillian’s chatter came to a shuddering halt as a cold dread seeped into every pore of her being. Her body felt like it had turned to ice, and she stared with wide, terrified eyes at the man before her. The untouchable air that once surrounded him had vanished. It was replaced by an aura of darkness that sent shivers down the spine

Lillian collapsed to the floor, instinctively recoiling from the fear that gripped her. He was truly terrifying

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she crawled backward. Her body involuntarily arched until suddenly, she felt the void behind her and began to plummet

The sensation was eerily familiarit was the same weightlessness she had felt before when she’d leaped from the building

With tearrimmed eyes, she fixed her gaze on Max, who remained stoic above her. Why couldn’t he spare a sliver of kindness for her

But Max just looked down, his eyes as still as a calm sea. The noise around them was overwhelming, a cacophony of sounds that merged into one. He couldn’t let tonight’s events become known; he couldn’t afford to have anyone become his weakness

Even ifEven if that person was Brielle

Max blinked as his attention was drawn to the voices coming from the rooftop


Mr. Dorsey!” 

The first voice was Andrew, and the second was Patrick

Max’s brow furrowed. Andrew was the last person he wanted to encounter now. Unlike the coolheaded Kenzo, Andrew was impulsive and reckless. If he knew that Brielle had nearly brought harm to Max, he’d eliminate her without a second thought

Besides Michael, Andrew was a person who would never allow any weaknesses on himself

The door to the rooftop was kicked open, and many people rushed over, led by Andrew and Patrick. Patrick looked anxious, his pupils contracting sharply. Andrew, on the other hand, looked stern, his eyes full of sharpness and coldness. He was not a fool, Max appearing near the apartment where Brielle used to live was definitely not a coincidence. Perhaps someone was using Brielle to lure him into this trap

To Andrew, Max was an adversary, a benchmark. In his eyes, Max was perfection personified, a statue of impeccability. But now, it was as if the statue had begun to crack. The proud Priest suddenly seemed to be yearning for the mortal worlda terrifying prospect

Chapter 291 

Andrew’s heart was boiling with murderous intent, and he was resolved to find an opportunity to do away with Brielle.. 

Patrick, on the other hand, rushed over anxiously. Boss, are you alright?” 

Max shook his head, his demeanor still regal. He walked past Andrew, pausing to deliver warning. Don’t touch her.They both knew who shewas

Andrew was already seething, and Max’s words were like a bomb about to detonate inside him. However, he managed to suppress the rage and even forced a twisted smile. Max, who are you talking about?” 

It was unlike Andrew to be so unnervingly calm. Max’s lips tightened, and his expression was cold. Brielle.” 

Whether he wanted to kept the distance bewteen them, Brielle must not be hurt because of him. Andrew’s eyes twitched violently. Even now, Brielle was all that Max could think about. Did someone use her to get to you tonight?” 

Yes.Max was candid; there was no need for pretense among friends


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