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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311 

Max, how about we hit the town tonight to celebrate, eh? Alivia’s coming back soon, and since you’ve had your fill of Brielle, maybe it’s time to put a ring on Alivia? She’s been waiting for you for years.” 

Engagement? The thought had never seriously crossed Max’s mind

If she’s getting engaged, it sure as heck won’t be to me.” 

Andrew had been midsip of his water when Max dropped this bombshell. Andrew nearly choked on it. Everyone in Beaconsfield knew Alivia was holding out for Max, but now the man himself was saying she shouldn’t wait for him

Max, you’re not pulling my leg, are you? Don’t tell me you’re oblivious to Alivia’s crush on you.” 

I’ve made it clear before, I’m not into her.” 

His tone was so firm it sent a chill through Andrew’s spine. If Alivia wasn’t in Max’s sights, who was

The women who had circled Max in recent years, those under thirty at least, were pretty much Brielle and Alivia. Any other guy in Beaconsfield would be a fool to pass up Alivia for Brielle

Unless they were blind

Andrew cracked a wry smile, his thoughts drifting back to the image of Max beneath the blaze of a highrise inferno. His gaze was dark and inscrutable. The Dorsey family and the Barnes clan are all looking forward to this merger of a marriage. If you turn it down, you could be messing with family relations big time.” 

He couldn’t believe Max hadn’t considered this

With a nonchalant lift of his eyebrows, Max replied. I’ve made my stance crystal clear to Alivia herself. She’s no fool.” 

But how clearheaded could a woman in love truly be? Max had never really fallen for Alivia, so he couldn’t fathom the depth of her infatuation

As an outsider to their romance, Andrew kept his opinions to himself, yet he couldn’t help but think he could smooth their path somewhat. At least compared to Brielle, Andrew considered Alivia a friend

He whipped out his phone and shot Alivia a text. [Max says he won’t propose.

Andrew had always been blunt with others, especially when it came to anything involving Max

As expected, Alivia’s reply came swiftly. Her devotion to the subject was clear. [Wait till I’m back in town. He’ll change his mind.

Alivia wanted to probe further into the situation with Brielle, like whether there was anything truly going on between her and Max. But Alivia had already put herself out there enough

Digging for more through Max’s friends would just seem desperate

It was best to ask her brother. If her brother said there was nothing to it, then it had to be true

Max was destined to marry Alivia

Andrew shared these details to Alivia, just to keep Max from getting stuck with Brielle, but he also knew his boundaries. It wasn’t his place to spill Max’s secrets to Alivia. Besides, she would be back soon enough, and then others could fill her in

Meanwhile, Alivia was in the company of Emily.. 

Emily’s resentment had been simmering ever since the Hatfield family had cut her loose and sent her abroad with a tenyear ban from Beaconsfield. It was because of Brielle, and the bitterness was palpable


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