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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 370

Chapter 370 

Can you believe Spencer has a twofaced act going on?” 

I was skeptical when Brielle mentioned it, but seeing is believing. The second Brielle’s out of the picture, he turns Into Mr. Ice. Looks like he’s got it out for her.” 

A guy acting like that? That’s just low class.” 

Team Brielle all the way. At least she’s upfront and genuine. Let’s wait for the police to sort 

this out

Spencer was unaware of the live stream capturing his every move. He might have restrained himself had he known

After instructing security to escort certain individuals out, Spencer cast a chilling glance at the onlookers

What’s everyone staring at? Don’t you have jobs to do?” 

They all knew him; he was from the Dorsey family, after all. No one dared to talk back

The person secretly streaming quickly shut it off, but not before Spencer’s sudden switch in demeanor was broadcasted clear as day, cementing his reputation as a total jerk

Meanwhile, Simon and his group were ushered downstairs

Seeing that Brielle hadn’t faced any repercussions yet, Simon grew impatient

We’ll just wait here in the lobby. There’s no way that bitch is getting off scotfree!” 

The itch of frustration crawled up his scalp as he eyed the Dorsey International lobby, grand as a palace. His fists clenched with greed


If they could get Dorsey International to pay off this mess, he wouldn’t have to worry for the rest 

of his life

Simon didn’t spare a thought for his daughter’s welfare. In his eyes, she was nothing more than a financial drain, a bad investment that had yet to net a wealthy husband

The only silver lining was the ten million they landed. Otherwise, raising her would’ve been a complete waste

Simon felt a cloud of bad luck looming as they settled into the sofas, determined to corner Brielle again

No sooner had Simon’s rear hit the cushion than his phone buzzed with an anonymous text

[Keep it up.

Three short words, but he knew exactly who sent them. His body shook, and without hesitation, he stood up and began shouting throughout the Dorsey International lobby

Chapter 370 

Poor Sarah, you died so tragically. That heartless Brielle just left us high and dry. What kind of world is this?” 

Simon’s wife, Sue, knew the drill. Sensing that their benefactor wasn’t satisfied, she joined in the commotion

Her tears were real; soon enough, a crowd gathered downstairs at Dorsey International

Journalists smelling a story swooped in for interviews

Sue was sharper than Simon. She had heeded advice on how to sway public opinion

She used words like, smalltown girl, prestigious university, and the crush of capital

Each keyword added weight to the public sentiment

Even as some speculated about the couple’s motives, the death of their daughter and their genuine grief couldn’t be ignored

Public opinion once again swayed, and concerned citizens soon converged at Dorsey International’s doors, demanding that Brielle be handed over

Standing in the lobby, Spencer smirked as he heard the angry chants against Brielle

She deserved it

Women like Brielle ought to be put in their place

He stepped into the private elevator with a sneer, only to bump into William

William, ever the picture of benevolence, patted Spencer on the shoulder

Spencer, I hear Brielle’s been taken in by the cops?” 

Spencer nodded but was caught off guard by William’s next question, Has your Uncle Max said anything?” 

The question sent a chill through Spencer’s spine


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