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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386 

Brielle massaged her temples and let out a halfsmile

Ryan, it’s not that Kingston Enterprises isn’t looking for other companies, but you know their golden boy, Daniel who’s gone missing. Bradley and Catherine are out of their minds trying to find their sonhe’s the apple of their eye. Until Daniel is found, they’re too preoccupied to focus on business. William’s been sniffing around in the shadows for Daniel. Imagine if he finds Daniel and uses him to force Kingston into signing a lopsided deal. His stock with Michael would skyrocket, don’t you think?” 

Ryan felt a knot tighten in his gut, and his lists clenched

He had no standing with Michael and couldn’t even set foot in Dorsey International, while William’s position seemed unshakeable

If William managed to bully Kingston Enterprises into an unfair deal, Dorsey International would bleed Kingston dry, and all that credit would go to William

Ryan’s breath quickened. If William continued to gain favor, Ryan’s standing would only diminish until he became invisible within the Dorsey clan

He couldn’t let William find Daniel

Brielle, where are you getting your intel? And why tell mewhat’s your angle?” 

Ryan, I’ve handed you an opportunity. Whether you grab it is your call. Just tip off Michael about William’s pressure on the Kingston deal. I doubt Michael would let anyone in the Dorsey. family smother competitors with such tactics.” 

The business world wasn’t about good guys and bad guys, but William’s play was the dirtiest of 

them all

A real businessman, someone like Max, would drive a company to ruin using legitimate business strategies, not by threatening family members like some street thug.. 

All Ryan had to do was drop some hints to the old man, and William’s days would be numbered. Once the seeds of doubt were planted in Michael’s mind, they were bound to sprout

Being the middle child, overshadowed by William and outmaneuvered by Max, Ryan knew the bitterness he felt over the years all too well

Brielle’s words spelled crisis, and Ryan wouldn’t stand idly by

After hanging up, Brielle exhaled slowly

Now, she just had to wait

Returning to her computer, she saw that Dorsey International’s official website had released at statement

Chapter 386 

They committed to cooperating fully with law enforcement and offered a compensation of five million dollars to Sue’s family

This statement from Dorsey International was timely, as the police had just concluded that a business rival was behind everything. Although Dorsey International was an innocent party. out of humanitarian concern, they had to offer compensation to their employee

Five million was a hefty sum, showcasing the stature of a major corporation

For Brielle, it helped to minimize her role in the incident. No one was talking about her anymore: the focus had shifted to the puppet master behind the scenes

In a clash between capital giants, everyone involved could be seen as a victim

Once Brielle was out of the public eye, she could be forgotten

She was finally free from this mess

Taking a deep breath of relief, she took out her phone and sent Max a kissing emoji


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