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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392 

Dustin remained cool as a cucumber throughout the game, only casting a glance when he overheard someone gossiping about Brielle, which promptly silenced the chatter

Brielle paid no mind to the whispers, focusing intently on the fifth round. This time, she upped the ante with a whopping 18 million. She held her ground through the first round of betting and waited as the community cards were revealed

Connor, spotting her serious expression, couldn’t help but smirk. Brielle, looks like you’re finally willing to dig deep into your pockets. Too bad, though. The more you lay down, the harder you’re gonna fall. There are plenty of ways for a lady to make a buck, but you just had to pick the one you’re least cut out for.” 

The community cards were a Jack of Spade, a Five of Hearts, and a Five of Diamonds

In Connor’s hand was a Five of Spades and an Ace of Diamonds, giving him at least a pair. He matched Brielle’s 18 million bet and provocatively eyed her

Unfazed by his taunts, Brielle watched as the betting round completed and the fourth community card was turned over an Ace of Spades

Now, it was just her and Connor left at the table. She raised to 24 million, giving Connor a measured smile. Mr. Connor, you wouldn’t happen to be sitting on just two pairs, would you?” 

Her tone was light as a feather. After speaking, she nudged her chips forward, indicating she was ready to keep playing

This was the first time Brielle had made it to the end, and it was down to just the two of them. The onlookers, curious about her hole cards given her confident demeanor, began to murmur among themselves

She’s gotten the hang of the rules and has been playing it safe. She must have something solid to have stayed in this long.” 

Ha, the dark horse is betting 24 million now. She wouldn’t stick around without a surefire win.That’s why playing with these types isn’t fun. There’s no suspense in winningor losing.” 

Connor couldn’t believe Brielle could have a better hand, but the spectatorscomments sowed a seed of doubt, making his decision to raise a shaky one. In the end, he just called

The pot was nearing the four billion mark, and he couldn’t believe Brielle had the appetite for such a gamble. He figured she’d never seen so much money in her life, so her calm must’ve been an act, especially since she had barely known the rules at the start

Just as this thought crossed his mind, Brielle confidently raised again. And she doubled it, shooting up to 48 million

Someone who had been folding at the start was suddenly betting 48 million in one go, a clear 

Chapter 392 

sign she was holding a very strong hand

Sweat began to bead on Connor’s forehead, but he tried to look cool as he locked eyes with Brielle. Brielle, what’s in your hand?” 

Brielle’s smile grew. Though it’s my first night at this game, I’m pretty sure revealing hole. cards to the opponent isn’t allowed. Mr. Connor, you’ve played long enough; don’t you know the rules?” 

Connor bit his lip in frustration. If he called, the pot would grow to six hundred million. He had won a lot that evening, but he was there to win more, not to gamble recklessly, especially not with Brielle looking so sure of herself

Wiping the sweat from his brow and internally cursing Brielle once more, he gritted his teeth and called the 48 million

The final card was revealed a King of Spades

Brielle didn’t hesitate to raise once more, this time to 96 million. Everyone thought she had lost her mind. She alone had put nearly three hundred million on the line

That wasn’t a surprise for someone like Dustin, but Brielle? Could she handle the consequences

The crowd’s murmurs grew louder


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