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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 398

Chapter 398 

Everyone was shaking their heads in disappointment, the murmurs growing louder as Brielle had yet to reveal her hand. It appeared to all that this round was Connor’s win. Even Connor himself believed so. He stood up with a smug grin, his hands ready to rake in all the chips

Brielle, of all the people to cross, you had to pick me. I once said I’d marry you, but with your debts piling up like that, you’re not even worth a second glance. Let’s see how you’re going to 

walk out of here.” 

Upstairs, someone was watching the commotion from the balconyit was Tessa

Tessa felt a wave of satisfaction seeing everyone mock Brielle and called over Andrew to join her. She wanted Andrew to see Brielle for who she really wasa gambler who dared to sit at the highstakes table. She had lost a fortune, and yet she thought she had the same clout as the big players. High society didn’t care about your looks; it was all about your family’s status and your capabilities

What did that lowlife Brielle have

Andrew walked over, hearing the bystanderscomments, while Connor looked like the cat that got the cream. Andrew pulled out his phone and texted Max. [If you don’t show up soon, Brielle’s going to be in deep. Heard she’s down by billions.

Tessa, seeing Andrew texting, snuggled into his arms. You really should advise Max to stay away from the likes of Brielle.” 

Andrew chuckled softly, pocketing his phone. He’ll get bored of her eventually.” 

Tessa felt reassured and glanced down once more. Now that she’s in debt, let’s see how she wraps this up. She could work her entire life and never pay it off.” 

If you were not born with some things in life, you would never have them. Brielle was obviously blinded by the glitz of the casino, treating billions as if they were mere dollars. Foolish

Brielle sat casually at her spot, watching as Connor smugly began to collect the chips. She stood up. Isn’t there supposed to be security in a place like this? Isn’t touching someone else’s chips without permission grounds for being thrown out?” 

The onlookers thought Brielle was just being stubborn

Connor raised an eyebrow in amusement. Still struggling, Brielle? Face it, you’re done.” 

Brielle arched her own brow. Face what, Mr. Connor? The odds of a royal flush are one in tens of thousands. Just because I didn’t have it last round, doesn’t mean I don’t have it this time.” 

You’re delusional, thinking you could win. You’re talking nonsense!” 

Connor was so animated he was practically dancing, eager to have his security toss Brielle out, but Brielle slowly revealed her two cards


Chapter 398 

The Queen of Spades and the Ten of Spades. A true royal flush


Connor let out a scream, his face draining of color

The crowd, ready to jeer, suddenly fell silent. Their eyes were glued to the two cards on the table. Those cards, along with the three community cards, formed a royal flush. Against such odds, Brielle had hit the jackpot

The room was silent. Brielle twirled the card between her fingertips, her eyes fixed on the pile of chips. Mr. Connor, I believe you owe me my winnings.” 

The cards dropped lightly from her fingers

The onlookersexpressions varied, but they all shared one thoughtmonster

Impossible! You’re cheating! You dare to cheat here, Brielle! You’re done!” 


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