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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 411

Chapter 411 

Brielle’s stomach churned uneasily as she stared at the pregnancy test in her hand, feeling utterly clueless for the first time. She had attempted to tear open the wrapper several times but couldn’t muster the courage. Instead, she just leaned back on the couch, trying to alleviate the pain in her abdomen

It was almost laughable that a woman could forget to take precautions during an intimate encounter with a man

Was Max’s devilishly handsome face so distracting, or did she, somewhere deep down, actually want to leave something behind from their fleeting moments together

But this lovesick foolishness was so not Brielle

She sighed, simply sitting on the couch, lost in thought. Eventually, she fell asleep right there, slumped over the armrest

When she woke up at nine in the morning, dark circles had taken up residence under her eyes. She was already late for work. Glancing at the pregnancy test, still unopened, Brielle massaged her temples and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Finally, she ripped open the wrapper

Six minutes later, she stared at the two lines on the stick, her mind going blank. The pregnancy test felt like it was burning her hand. Once she snapped back to reality, she chucked it into the trash bin

With no appetite for breakfast, she sat back on the couch, zoning out just like the night before. Her computer automatically updated with new messages

Photos of Alivia and Max had already hit the frontpage headlines. And there was Alivia, supporting a figure dressed in an elegant suit. The media only captured a back shot. Speculation was rife that this was Max’s motherMartha

Brielle stared blankly at the screen as every channel buzzed with news about the power couple. The media was even hyping up their matching rosaries, positing that the wedding bells would ring within the month

Whispers suggested that even Martha’s return to the country was to orchestrate Max’s nuptials

A match made in high society heaven.” 

Are the golden girl and golden boy compromising for love, or is it just another tale of aristocratic romance?” 

Everyone loves a storybook romance, and Max and Alivia are living proof that fairy tales come true.” 

Beyond the media frenzy, online commenters were leaving thousands of messages, and the buzz was relentless

Brielle, staring at the photos and videos, along with the revelry of the comments, felt eerily calm. She knew full well the clout Alivia wielded in Beaconsfield, so none of this came as a surprise

Her thoughts drifted back to the pregnancy test with the damning two lines. She had no idea 

what to do next

By noon, she dragged herself to Dorsey International, still in a daze. It was clear to the whole department that she was distracted. Even the documents she reviewed were riddled with 


Ms. Haywood, if you’re not feeling well, maybe you should take a sick day?her colleagues suggested, genuinely concerned for her wellbeing

Brielle seemed to snap back to reality, noticing her scribbles on the documents, and again. pressed a hand to her temple

I’ll be okay in a bit,she assured them

But just then, Spencer walked in. Brielle’s face darkened immediately. Why couldn’t this guy. take a hint

Spencer noticed the slightly pale look on Brielle’s face, his eyes full of triumph. Alivia only just got back, and she already can’t stand it?he thought


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