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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Lillian put the phone down and looked down to rub her belly. She and Spencer had been playing fast and loose, never bothering with contraception, but her body was betraying her stubbornly refusing to conceive

Lately Spencer had been especially attentive, hopeful that this time would be the charm. If she could just get pregnant, Brielle would be out of the picture for good.

Faith, sitting across from her, saw her wandering off and a hint of displeasure crossed her brow Lillian lacked Brielle’s professional prowess, but she had her own

advantages-compliant, sweet-talking, and without an overabundance of ambition.

Lillian Faith began, her voice laced with a firm reminder. “I told you from the start to be mindful of your place. It’s Spencer’s choice to keep you around, but I won’t have you jeopardizing his advancement. His recent demotion-did you blab something to Max that you shouldn’t have?”

There had been whispers that a woman had taken her complaints straight to Max.

Faith had a soft spot for Lillian, but now she doubted whether the woman was fit to be seen in their circles.

Lillian’s eyes reddened, her face a picture of sincerity. “Faith, I truly love Spencer, and I never wanted anyone to find out about us. Besides. I’ve never even met Max.”

Max of Dorsey International-his name was known to all. For Lillian to even dream of meeting a man of his stature was folly, let alone speak out of turn in his presence.

She had seen Max’s face in the financial papers, expecting Spencer’s Uncle Max to be a stern, commanding figure with an authoritative square jaw. She hadn’t expected him to be so young, so astonishingly charismatic.

The very first time Lillian had seen his face, it felt as though someone had squeez heart. He was perfection personified, nearly surreal. It would be wonderful to cros with a man like that. Her eyes fell, her thoughts racing with a warm fervor.

Faith, noting the expression on Lillian’s face, frowned slightly, wondering if perhaps s was being paranoid. After all, Max had resources at his disposal. He could have found

out on his own.


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