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Mated by Mistake novel Chapter 9

Rosalie watched as the last of the wolves left for the run. She was left alone along with several unmated wolves and those who had duties to perform. She saw Alex approaching them and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Hello there, I see you didn't join the run," he said in his deep baritone.

"You didn't join them either," Rosalie retorted.

He smirked," I was planning to, but something else caught my attention." His eyes rolled over her, taking in her figure-hugging dress, the deep V in her back and her narrow waist. He would have loved to chase and conquer her. His wolf nodded its approval.

Melissa looked at both, then said.

"I think my mom called me," she smirked. "I should be going," she started to walk, "See you later."

"Melissa!" Rosalie snapped at her. What was she doing? Why was she leaving her alone with him? To her annoyance, Melissa continued to walk, pretending not to hear Rosalie's mental messages.

Rosalie scratched her head, feeling a mixture of annoyance and awkwardness simmering together. She turned and started to walk down the stage towards the bonfires. She did not know what to do. He, she was not even sure if she should remain standing there.

"Rosalie! Hey! Wait up!" Alex called after her.

Darn it, she thought with dismay. She stopped in mid-track as he walked to her side.

"Why are you so eager to leave?" He said as he stood near her.

"Um, I think my dad called me," she lied lamely.

'Ugh, well done,' she thought to herself, a very 'original' excuse.

He raised his left eyebrow in question, but he did not ponder on it. "We are meeting after years; we should catch up." He spoke. "I won't be staying here forever you know," he joked and yet, a hint of seriousness rang in his voice, "My pack will leave after the Grand Feast."

It was weird, but she blushed and was unable to look into his eyes. He intimidated her sometimes.

She looked at him. "Well, we are talking now."

He chuckled "Yes, I believe we are."

She was about to say something when a deep voice startled her. "Rosalie Murdoch," Roger's voice boomed.

"I hope you are aware of your duties as a Beta. If you have done enough fooling around then please go and check on those omegas." He pointed at a group who were collecting the firewood for the roasting of the kills which would be dragged in later.

She frowned and looked at Alex, but he did not look surprised at Roger's arrival. As an alpha, he could sense others around him. She sighed.

"I have already done my duty, Roger," she could not help but growl a bit with annoyance.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Watch your tone, Rosalie, even if we're the same age, I am still the pack's third-in-command."

Ugh, just because his father decided to retire early, it did not mean he could go around bossing those around him. She thought. He cast a disapproving look before he turned to Alex.

"The other alphas are preparing for the hunt. I have been told to escort you, sir." Alex did not say anything, he just gave a nod.

He looked at her and offered a little smile before he took off with Roger towards the forest. Rosalie, on the other hand, was fuming. She was annoyed with Roger. She knew that it was one of his duties to command the omegas but c'mon! they were of the same rank. Everyone was partying and he wanted her to work! For God's sake, it was so unfair.

She stomped towards the omegas, fuming. She was puzzled by her behaviour. She was not the type who would ignore her duties. Was it because Roger had disturbed a moment between Alex and her? Did they even have a moment?

Chapter 9 - The new Luna 1


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