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Mated to my nightmare novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Leo rushed to her holding her and lifting her up in a bridal style,off he went running deeper to the pack , with fears in his eyes he wishes nothing happened to her and he wished she was safe some how he regret coming a bit late

Slowly and steady he arrived at the hospital pack calling out to the doctor for quick attention

"doctor ......doctor please,"He rushed down into the hospital , he could not to control his feelings .

The doctor walked to him hurriedly,not wasting anytime he gently took her from him , and the rushed to the hospital bed where she was quickly place her on the hospital bed and treatment commence immediately

After few minutes the doctor walked out of the hospital room

Leo ran to him immediately

"How is she doctor?"He panicked while eating for the reply, he prayed nothing serious happens to her

"she is out Danger now , but what really happened to her "the doctor inquire , surprised at how she got injure .

"she was attacked by rogue "he explained , relieved that she was okay now and she is out of danger

"oh it must have been really hard on her , thank the moon goddess she is out of danger she will be okay in due time , you have a sit while waiting for her to wake up"the doctor voiced out walking back to his office .

"sure , thank you very much doctor , I do appreciate what you have done , but can I go in. To see her right now "he mentioned starting at he doctor for approval , he wished he would say yes and he will be very happy to go not wanting a no as an answer from the doctor.

"sure you can "he achieved a sigh of relieved immediately he was told by the doctor to go in

"thank you doctor ''_He smiled at the doctor as he rushed I to the ward happily , gazing at the beautiful damsel in front of him

Slowly she opened her eyes to see where she was , and she was shocked to see her self in a strange bed with low eyes gazing deeply at her

"what the fucked, what am I doing here and how did i get here"she hurried to stand up , but he beckoned on her to sit back

"not yet , do have a little rest "He said, holding her downed unwilling

"I think I am fine and strong enough "she stares at the man infront of her. Her eyes gaze at him a, he wonder why he is weird and the character he show made her more uncomfortable

Chapter 8 1

Chapter 8 2


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