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Mated to the Alpha King novel Chapter 2

Damon Kalesto was sitting on a small stool in his living room. His eyes were glued to something or rather someone who had taken his breath away in one swift motion. He studied her every feature, from the long lashes on her eyelids down to the almost unnoticeable pimple at the side of her lips. He knew it was a creepy thing to do, but he couldn't help himself. She was just too beautiful not to admire.

He noticed everything, including how her small, button nose twitched whenever she shifted and how her lips protruded into a pout every once in a while....his eyes caught every single detail and imprinted it all in his mind. Everything about her, he wanted to know. Everything she did before she met him, he wanted to know. Everything...just everything.

He had been entrapped since the very moment he laid eyes on her. Her blue eyes had pulled him in with ease and he fell deep into her abysses. He knew exactly what that dazed, inebriated feeling meant...she was his mate.

After what happened ten years ago, he had been sure that his chances of ever having a mate was zero, but now, it was shocking to see that he actually had one...not that he wanted one in the first place.

The thing was, he wasn't very fond of the mate thing. He thought of it as an unfortunate string that tied together two souls that aren't really meant to be. Plus, nobody had the right to tell him what to do...not even the Moon Goddess who created him. He alone must decide his fate....who to love and who to despise...who to protect and who to kill.

However, now that he got a firsthand taste of the mate bond, he had a totally different view. It was the first time in a long while since he had ever felt so intrigued and attracted to a woman. When they had been staring at each other, he didn't want the experience to end, but then, before he could even open his mouth to speak to her, she had blacked out.

He was angry at the fact that he didn't get to hear her voice. He was angry at the fact that he had been living in such luxury while she had been living under harsh conditions. And lastly, he was angry at the fact that she was filled with cuts and bruises all over her body. All he was desperately waiting for, was her confirmation that the Human Trade workers had done this to her. That was all he needed to wipe them all out in the blink of an eye. From now on, anyone who dared to touch, hurt or even look at her, would feel his wrath.

"Damon~" Alexis; one of his sex slaves, came bouncing into the room. Damon casted an irritated glance at her for a split second before placing his full attention back on his mate. She pouted but didn't say anything about it.

"I have never seen a werewolf who is mated to a human." She started to say, whilst eyeing Sarah with a disgusted yet envious glint in her eyes. "How is this even possible?"

Damon clenched his jaw and sent her a sharp glare. Who did she think she was to question him when he too didn't even know the answer? He didn't care about why and how, he just knew that she was his mate...nothing else mattered.

Alexis jolted as soon as she saw his deadly glare. That look in his eyes only meant danger and she knew it. Without another word, she shuffled out of there with her tail between her legs. But as she was turning the corner, she mumbled something that she thought Damon didn't catch. "Don't come crying when you meet the same doom like ten years ago..."

But Damon had heard every word and he was livid. He had the urge to crush her face with his bare hands but he didn't bother ruining his moment with his mate. Alexis could stay for later. He didn't want Sarah to wake up without him being present.

An hour after solely sitting and watching her, she finally stirred awake.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 3


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