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Mated To The Alpha Kings novel Chapter 5

Cassie stayed in between the guys, loving every second as they touched her.

"You're so beautiful, darling," the man with blue eyes said, grabbing her ass.

She moans softly. This is like a dream come true for her! She's sure all the girls in the club are glaring daggers at her.

Rumours said that the D– brothers never talk to anyone whenever they show up in this club, only drink and leave. Never once have they been seen with any girl, some began to wonder if they're gay but clearly, they're not.

Because they're all over her, touching her. Laney needs to see this, Cassie hopes she's also getting some, ha!

Suddenly, their hands froze on her skin.

She frowns, "What happened?"

"Sorry, sweetheart, we need to go."

"What? Why?" They already left before she could question them.

She pursed her lips, "Ahh why did this happen? I already had them in my arms."

With a sigh, she decided to go look for Laney. She knew she wasn't on the dance floor, so she went upstairs, after checking everywhere, Cassie realized she was nowhere to be seen.

She went to the bartender, "Hey did you see my friend?"

"You're talking about the hot chick with auburn long hair?"

She nodded"That's right."

"Oh, I saw her leave a while ago."

"What? Did she leave? Are you sure about this?"


Cassie cursed, ran outside, took out her phone, and called her.

Her phone rang, but she didn't pick up. Cassie also saw that she didn't take her car. Crap! This could only mean two things, either she went home or she's f*cking that man.

Hmm, she hopes it's the second one, either way, she'd go check her house first. She hopped into her car and drove off.

Getting to her house, Cassie noticed that Laney's lights were out, and her door is also locked, which means she isn't home.

She exhaled, relieved, yeah, she must be with the man. She feels so happy for her, ever since she has known Laney she has never seen her with any guy, in fact, she avoids them like a plague. Furthermore, she used to wonder why and thought she wasn't interested, but she guesses she's wrong, tomorrow, she'd give her a call.

King of Alphas 1


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