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Mated to the Alpha triplets novel Chapter 7



She walked in, arms laden with shopping bags and gasped when her eyes landed on me.


"Olivia?! What the he… I mean, what are you doing here?"


Lucien broke off from the rest of us, yelling "Helen!" with his arms spread out wide as he walked towards her.


Logan led me to a seat with a grin on his face, while Lucas stood beside the couch.


I could only stare at them wide-eyed as I'd never seen the triplets smile like they were doing at that moment. I'd only ever seen them smirk mischievously, but there they were smiling openly. Lucien had reached Helen, taking the shopping bags from her and placing them down before hugging her. 


“Huhh… I have missed you guys so much.” She said laughing.


“Did you guys miss me as well?” 


“We did.” The triplets replied in unison and with smiles at that.


Just then I winced in pain when my hand mistakenly hit the couch. They all turned back at me and with a smirk, Lucien barked at me angrily, “Yes, why are you still here?”. 


These troublesome triplets seemed to have been so concerned about my burn only for them to forget about it as soon as Helen walked in. Well, I couldn’t have blamed them. 



Helen was my age and extremely beautiful. She was the queen of the school and many girls aspired to be like her. She was blonde-haired, with a slender and model-like body. She was ambitious, and manipulative and believed she was perfect. And to crown it all, she was the Beta's daughter and saw herself as the only one who deserved the triplets. 


Her confidence must have made her miss the mating convention, because I imagined she would have been there, taking the spotlight for herself. 


She was always pretending to be nice and gracious to everyone, but when no one was around, she would insult and bully me. She was way worse than the triplets. And now that she caught me in their room, I could only imagine what was running through her head.


Just then she moved closer to me holding my hands. “Oh, Olivia, how are you? What are you doing here?”


I was already used to her attitude, so I didn’t feel awkward. I smiled faintly and told her I was fine.


She saw my burns and quickly requested for the first aid box. I tried to release myself from her but she was adamant. 


Lucas growled at her and moved closer to us. “Let her attend to her burn herself, after all, she brought this upon herself. She is now a maid here, so Helen, you have to treat her like one.”


“But she is hurt and what do you mean she is a maid here? How? Why?” She asked.


Trying to save my face, I reluctantly stood up to head back to my post but I was stopped by Lucien. 



He was adamant to get my hand treated while Lucas and Logan explained to Helen the reason why I ended up as a maid in the palace. I stared and listened attentively to them. The jealous look Helen shot me made me swallow my saliva but then, she went back to her normal self.


This girl has a talent for acting. I thought to myself.


Just then, Lucien wrapped up my burn and stood to leave. The words Thank you, Lucien escaped my lips before I could hold them back.


“Lucien… huh… Did I hear that right?” Lucas growled.


“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to disrespect him.” I apologized.


“Well, you can get back to your duty post,” Logan added.


I turned to leave but was stopped again.


Lucas turned to Helen and asked her what she would like to eat or drink.


“I’m not a stranger here, when I’m ready, I will call the kitchen. So for now, I’m here to play with you guys. I came here directly from the airport, you know. I haven’t called or texted my father. So allow me to enjoy the moment with you before my father calls for me. And yes, the shopping bags are for you. I don’t know if you would like what I picked out for you guys” She said excitedly.


Lucien moved to kiss her on the cheeks and ran to the shopping bags excitedly.


“You still have to take something. Just name anything and maid Olivia here will get it for you.” Logan added.


“Well, I will go for biscuits and orange juice for now.” 


“You heard that right?” Lucas said while shooting me a glare.

Chapter 7. Helen 1

Chapter 7. Helen 2

Chapter 7. Helen 3


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