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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen ( Mia Bowen ) novel Chapter 1069

Shelly countered, "Why do you assume I couldn't get on the reservation list? Your family doesn't own Nord City."

At that moment, Sharon added, "Shelly, let's save the birthday talk after securing the collaboration. There's still plenty of time before your birthday."

Shelly was fuming with indignation. Philip had promised to secure her reservation, but Mia's interference and threats had made him back out. Shelly suspected Mia was just jealous.

She glared at Mia and said, "Are you happy now? But don't celebrate too soon. Once Aide Castle Hotel collaborates with us, I'll still get my birthday banquet. Let's see you try to stop me then."

Mia shot back, "Let me save you the trouble. None of that will ever happen, and there's no chance you'll have your birthday banquet here."

"Wow, Mia, you're really full of yourself. Do you think you own the hotel? You've been acting high and mighty, bossing the manager around and firing him like you're in charge."

"Why? Do you think I'm not the hotel's owner?"

"You're claiming you're the owner? Give me a break. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable."

Jasmine's eyes widened in shock as she stared at Mia. Though not entirely unexpected, this revelation was still astonishing.

After all, the initial investors in Aide Castle were related to the Lane family. The actual owner had always remained a mystery, which made many suspect it was someone from the Lane family keeping a low profile.

Since Dominic was one of the investors, rumors circulated that the hotel was established for his mistress, and her identity was kept secret to avoid Eva's wrath.


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