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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen ( Mia Bowen ) novel Chapter 275

Chapter 275 

Upon revealing that, Mia couldn’t help but notice the distinct change in Maya and Shelly’s demeanor, gradually transforming into expressions of anger

Unable to contain her frustration, Shelly exclaimed, Mia, how dare you manipulate us like this?” 

Mia responded with a smirk. Indeed, you two were the unwitting pawns in my game. Is the truth

too much for you to handle?” 

Shelly was on the verge of lashing out physically

With an air of nonchalance, Mia cautioned, Consider your actions carefully. There’s a crowd 

watching. If you choose to resort to physical aggression, have you thought about how you’ll 

explain it?” 

I’ll slap you if I feel like it. I don’t need to explain myself to anyone.” 

Nevertheless, Maya stepped in, holding Shelly back. Let’s go. I have important tasks to handle

Our time shouldn’t be wasted on this confrontation.” 

Mia made a valid point. Considering Shelly’s status as a public figure at this event, an altercation 

could tarnish the entire affair

Maya found dealing with Mia to be challenging. Being with Connor seemed to have fueled Mia’s arrogance and assertiveness. Well, her triumph won’t be for long

As Maya and Shelly departed, Mia slowly averted her gaze

Standing beside her, Gina couldn’t contain her laughter. Oh my god, Mia, I was genuinely 

cracking up back there

The expressions on those two troublemakers when you claimed there was no recording were 

absolutely priceless.” 

Mia’s lips curled into a cold smile. Being rude seems like an easier way to navigate the world.” 

True,Gina concurred, But Mia, what about the woman accompanying Shelly? The one who 

seems to radiate an air of hypocrisy?” 

Her name is Maya. She happens to be the sister of the proprietor of Vista Properties.” 

Upon hearing this, Gina was momentarily taken aback. She took a moment to absorb the information before quickly catching on. You mean the one who was eager to marry your ex- husband?” 

+15 BONOS 

That’s her.” 

Mia lowered her gaze. However, my relationship with Timothy also came to an abrupt end.” 

Nevertheless, there lingered an unanswered question in Mia’s mind. Why did Timothy call off his engagement with Maya

Wasn’t he apprehensive that Maya’s brother would object to performing Laura’s surgery due to this

Mia had questioned Timothy about it in the hospital, but their conversation was cut short by the sudden arrival of her brothers, leaving her without an answer

Mia, although you handled that situation gracefully just now, aren’t you concerned about. offending these two women and potentially facing repercussions in the future

I’m genuinely worried about your predicament. Dealing with elite families is no small matter.Gina expressed her concern

Gigi, even if I chose to remain passive, trouble would still find its way to me

Besides, I have plans to reside in Nord City after my graduation. In the future, I’ll have no ties to the Barrett family.” 

Mia had arranged to depart from Bern City to Nord City upon completing her credits, making sure it matched the time when her growing belly would be difficult to conceal

Her intention was to give birth in Nord City, a decision made to ensure the secure protection of her child’s existence

Upon sharing her plans, Gina embraced her. Mia, it’s wonderful that you’ll be back in Nord City with your family. I’ll make sure to visit you there in the future.” 


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