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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen ( Mia Bowen ) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311 

Mia clicked her tongue in frustration, realizing that today hadn’t unfolded as smoothly as she had hoped

Originally intending to work some extra hours at the studio, she unexpectedly came across Felix and Janice sharing a meal

The awkwardness continued when she found herself in the same restaurant as Timothy

To make matters worse, she unwittingly took a sip from a glass of whiskey that had been mistakenly served to her

Perhaps Mia should consult the almanac before venturing out in the future

Timothy stood just outside the walkin closet, his tall and slender figure commanding attention

His gaze remained fixed on Mia, who had just made disparaging remarks about him

As Timothy stood there, a floodof memories from a distant past washed over him

In those bygone days, every time he returned home from work, Mia would respectfully stand by his side like a devoted attendant

Together, they would proceed to the bedroom’s walkin closet, where she had already laid out the 

clothes he would change into for the night

Despite being accustomed to her constant presence, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something 

was amiss during this period. However, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it

It wasn’t until he saw Mia standing in the dressing room that he finally became aware of what had 

been missing all along

In a casual tone, Timothy spoke, Have you got nothing to say? You were quite eloquent just a moment ago.” 

Clearing her throat, Mia responded, In truth, I seldom speak negatively about others behind their 


Enough with the charade. Did I mishear your words just now?” 

Maintaining a serious tone, Mia clarified, No, Mr. Barrett, you heard correctly. What I meant is that I typically express my criticisms directly to people rather than gossiping behind their backs.” 

Upon uttering those words, Mia immediately noticed Timothy’s expression darken


+15 BONOS 

Sensing the atmosphere taking a negative turn, Holly swiftly exited the dressing room, choosing not to entangle herself in their dispute

As Mia observed Timothy’s somber demeanor, her mood unexpectedly lifted

After three years of marriage, Mia had become wellacquainted with the art of making Timothy 

happy and, of course, knew how to provoke him

Having endured three years of submission, only to be callously discarded by him, why should she 

now bend over backward to accommodate and please him

Timothy instinctively caught the sly glint in Mia’s eyes, realizing that she was intentionally 

attempting to provoke him

He whispered, Since when have I become picky and hard to please? Even when your taste used to be questionable, I never made things difficult for you.” 

Come on, don’t you remember the time you accused me of being colorblind just because the 

bedsheet was a shade darker

And let’s not forget when you insisted on wearing those illfitting shoes, resulting in painful 

blisters. I even went to several stores and thoughtfully selected suitable shoes for you

Yet, what was your response? You pointed out they didn’t quite align with your status. These are just a few instances. How can you assert you’ve never made things difficult for me?” 

Mia poured out all her grievances, laying bare her emotions

Despite this, Timothy maintained his silence

Mia subtly cast a glance, observing the intense shadows in his eyes that unmistakably revealed 

his anger

It was precisely the emotion she sought to provoke

If Timothy failed to respond with anger, it would indicate that Mia’s words had not achieved the intended impact

Timothy’s tone remained composed as spoke, Honestly, Holly seems to be struggling in her role. Perhaps she should consider resigning.” 

Mia’s expression turned into a frown as she vouched for Holly’s performance, stating, I’ve noticed 

Holly’s considerable improvement

Mr. Barrett, you tend to be quite critical. Aren’t you aware of that aspect of yourself?Mia 



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