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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen ( Mia Bowen ) novel Chapter 402

Chapter 402 

Claude couldn’t believe Anthony had the audacity to even discuss replacing Mia. Indeed, he had quite the 


After all, this music show was originally intended by Claude as an apology gift for Mia

How dare Anthony suggest replacing her

The next day at college, Mia received a call from Felix’s defense lawyer, Ainsley Hobb. Mr. Felix and Mrs. Quilter are proposing a settlement. What are your thoughts on this?” 

What? Felix has the nerve to talk about a settlement? Where is his dignity? Besides, even if I don’t press charges against him, he’ll still go to jail for financial crimes.” 

Ainsley coughed nervously. My client, Mr. Felix, is hoping for your forgiveness, given your history together

If you could consider lending him some money, he wouldn’t need to serve jail time. He assures you of repayment once he’s released.” 

Mia chuckled. I’m not interested in a settlement. If there are any further issues, please contact my 


With that, Mia ended the call. She had no intention of getting involved with Felix. It would only be a waste 

of her time

Shortly after arriving at college. Mia was summoned to Riley’s office. Mia, the college would like to discuss the setup of the hall” 

Ms. Matterson, I still want to give it a try. Despite my limited experience with the piano, I have a genuine passion for music, and I believe I have some understanding of the instrument.” 

After Mia finished speaking, Riley paused

Mia, you’re overthinking this. The college isn’t planning to replace you

However, due to Mr. Jenkin’s dissatisfaction, you’ll be sent to the Music School for piano lessons. A dedicated teacher will instruct you. Are you open to that?” 

Absolutely,Mia replied without hesitation. How could she say no to such an opportunity

After attending her lectures, Mia made her way to the Music School for her piano lesson

It was her first time attending a class there, and she observed that her classmates all appeared quite refined

After the class, Mia was approached by her piano teacher, Drew Kidman. You must be Mia. Come with 

me to the classroom next door, I’ll teach you. Do you have any basic knowledge of the piano?” 

Just a little,Mia replied

Then, would you mind playing your favorite plano piece for me? Drew suggested

Mia sat down at the piano, flooded with memories of the piece she had learned from Rowan Tilbury, the director of her orphanage when she was a child

During that time, Mia recalled how Rowan consistently praised her talent, yet there was always a hint of 

sorrow in Rowan’s voice

Mia understood why Rowan was sadshe couldn’t afford to learn the plano back then

Fortunately, everything was fine now

Mia was grateful for Rowan’s guidance at the orphanage, especially since her favorite music piece was the one Rowan had introduced her to

Taking a deep breath, Mia relied on her memory and began to play the song Rowan had taught her

As the piano’s melody resonated through the building, Maya, who had arrived at the college with Anthony with intentions to cause trouble, stood outside in surprise

The college seemed to hold Mia in high regard and was unwilling to replace her


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