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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen ( Mia Bowen ) novel Chapter 911

Mia, too, turned her attention to Timothy, curious to hear what Heath had relayed.

With a stoic expression, Timothy broke the silence, "Heath is already handling the termination of the partnership on behalf of the company; it just requires a bit more time."

"Tim, there's something off about this. Given that it's just a minor branch, why would Heath need to make a personal visit to cancel the partnership with the Bowen family? Is it possible that there's opposition from someone within the subsidiary?"

Caleb found it hard to believe. Couldn't this issue be resolved with just a phone call? Why would it take extra time to handle?

Could it be that there were different factors at play in Nord City compared to Bern City?

Timothy paused before speaking, "My uncle Ralph orchestrated the entire affair. He's been staying under the radar and hasn't shown up yet."

"So, it was him, huh? I remember he was kicked out of the Barrett Group due to bribery. Your mother certainly stirred up quite a rift between you two. And after that, I heard he vanished without a trace. It turns out he ended up at the Nord City branch," Caleb recounted.

"That's right," Timothy confirmed. "I honestly didn't expect my mother to arrange for Uncle Ralph to be transferred to the Nord City branch."

"It's no wonder such a bizarre event unfolded at the subsidiary office. With Mr. Hopkins pulling the strings, it's expected he'd join forces with the Bowen family. They're all a bunch of dimwits anyway."

Mia couldn't shake off the memory of Ralph's character—the epitome of a man who lived off his family's wealth.

As for Sharon, she was undeniably a sinister woman.

Given Timothy's principles, he would probably have taken legal action against Ralph long ago for his involvement in bribery within the company.

Yet, Sharon resorted to emotional manipulation, unleashing a series of dramatic outbursts, and even threatening self-harm.

She wept in front of Laura for days until Timothy eventually relented on pursuing legal action against Ralph.


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