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Mr Billionaire's Unwanted Wife novel Chapter 39

6 years later........

I quickly ran towards Kitchin as I heard the sound of something breaking, more like the breaking of glass.

I went there and my eyes widened. I found the bottle of Nutella shattered on the floor, and Elvin, my five-year-old son, standing beside it.

"El," I said, and he turned to face me, his black eyes widened like his father's.

His eyes filled with tears. "Moma, I didn't do that intentionally."

My heart melted looking at my son. He's the result of all the good deeds I did in my past.

"It's okay, baby, I'm not going to scold you. Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" My heart started pounding in my chest just with the thought of him getting hurt. I love him so much, I can't tolerate any kind of trouble for him.

He shook his head and pouted. I hugged him, kissing his cheeks.

"Come, you must be hungry. Let me feed you." I took him towards the dining room and made him sit on his small baby chair.

I walk towards the kitchen and make his favourite cheese sandwich with his favourite chocolate milkshake.

I sat beside him and kissed his cheeks, and took the sandwich to feed him.

"I'm back." My heart stopped when I heard his voice.

"Dad," Elvin chirped with the widest smile and ran towards his father.

Adrian quickly pulled his son into his arms.

Adrian was in Australia for his business meeting. He's back today.

I looked down and smiled. I know very well why he's back.

"How's your morning, El?" he asked Elvin.

"Not good without you," Elvin hugged his father, and seeing the father and son warmed my heart.

Elvin resembles a miniature version of Adrian; their appearances are identical.

Elvin's eyes are the same black as his father's, with lips and face-shaped everything like Adrian.

Adrian looked at me, and my breathing quickened as I felt his intense love gaze on me.

He came toward me, smiling, and kissed my forehead.

"Are you alright?" he asked me while putting his hand on my three-month pregnant belly.

We heard the giggling sound, and it was Elvin. He was smiling and looking at us.

Mia, Elvin's nanny, comes toward us,

"It's time for his school; get him ready," I told her, and Elvin ran towards his nanny to get him ready for school, and she took him with her.

"Today is your doctor's checkup," he said to me.

"Adrian didn't tell you already, I can go alone also, for the doctor's checkup, but you never listen, right?" I folded my hands facing him.

I know why he came early from his trip; he wanted to be with me as today is my doctor's checkup.

Adrian is a very loving husband and father. How can I be so lucky to have him in my life?

"I don't want to leave you alone in any situation. Trust me, you'll need me,"

Well, he's right. After all, pregnancy was the very toughest stage for me, but I'm enjoying every moment of this motherhood stage.

Finally, I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.


I was doing my exercise, which the doctor told me to do for the good health of me and my baby.

"Emberly, come, we have to go to Elvin's school," he said to me.

"What is everything alright? Is my Elvin, my son? He's alright," I know, I'm about to have a panic attack.

My son, he's my life. I can tolerate if anything happened to him.

"Don't worry, just come with me," he said, and I quickly changed my clothes, and we sat in his car.

"Adrian, please tell me if Elvin is alright," I asked for the nth time.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Of course, more than I trust myself,"

"Then don't worry, nothing will happen to him," Adrian said, and I nodded, biting my lips.

We came to his school, and I rushed toward his principal's office.

"Emberly, calm down, he's alright," Adrian rushed towards me and stopped me from running, as I'm pregnant.

"I'm sorry Adrian, you know very well when it comes to my son," I said, and finally we came towards his principal's cabin.

I looked around and found Elvin standing beside a boy. There was a bandage on the nose of that other boy. With them, a little girl was also standing. Her face was on the verge of a cry.

Epilogue 1


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