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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 126

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Mrs. Olsen’s gaze was sharp.

She seemed delicate and weak on the outside but was resilient and tough on the inside.

Taylor knew her too well. He immediately said, “I have never considered her as my own daughter. Shirley, I’ve told you before. In my heart, only your daughter is my daughter.”

Mrs. Olsen’s jaw tightened. “Is that so?” she asked.

Taylor sighed. “I was against letting them live with us from the start. You know that, don’t you?”

Only then did Mrs. Olsen nod.

Isla wasn’t there to listen to the couple’s declaration of their true feelings. She cut to the chase. “Mom, Keira has always listened to you. Please go talk to her. She’s now living at the Horton’s, where the nannies look

down on her…”

Mrs. Olsen lowered her gaze

She had always been an open-minded parent.


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Whether it was to Isla or Keira.

That was why she had never intended to intervene in Isla and Keira’s marriages.

Isla had forced her hand. She had to use extreme

measures to help Isla join the Hortons, which had deeply disappointed her.

As for Keira…

When she found out Keira was Dr. South, Mrs. Olsen felt joyous. A sense of achievement swelled in her as though her own daughter had come of age.

Now, one daughter had let her down, and

unexpectedly, the other had also done something


Keira had always been a good kid; she couldn’t have been so reckless. Was there perhaps a misunderstanding?

Indeed, Mrs. Olsen was becoming somewhat anxious. She thought for a moment, took out her phone, opened WhatsApp, and sent a message to Keira. “Keira, you’ve been married for so long, and I still haven’t seen your husband. Bring him over for dinner when you

have the time”

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After sending the message, she lowered her head.

She wanted to see what kind of man Keira’s husband


If he was unreliable, then she would find a way to make them divorce and allow Keira to pursue a new


If he was dependable, then she would persuade Keira to live together with him, as living apart from one’s spouse is never good.

When Keira received the message, she had just

finished lunch with old Mrs. Horton.

After the commotion that morning, her spirits had been somewhat low. After lunch, old Mrs. Horton insisted on not taking a nap but stubbornly turned to


“Brat, why didn’t you explain to everyone today that my granddaughter-in-law is indeed your wife?”

Keira looked up slightly upon hearing that, about to say something, when old Mrs. Horton anxiously asked, “Are you considering divorcing my

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granddaughter-in-law later?”

Lewis paused for a moment. “Of course not, Grandma, don’t worry.”

Old Mrs. Horton then looked at Keira,

“Granddaughter-in-law, what about you?”

Keira hesitated. Realizing that Lewis’s gaze had also fallen on her, she finally spoke, “I won’t either.”

“That’s more like it!”

Old Mrs. Horton grabbed Lewis’s hand with one hand and Keira’s with the other, holding their hands together before speaking earnestly. “In this world, it’s difficult to find someone you like, and it’s equally hard to find someone who likes you. Finding mutual affection is even harder. Therefore, you must take responsibility for your future and not let go of each other easily.”

Upon hearing these words, Keira instinctively looked

at Lewis.

Just as he looked up at her.

For a moment, their eyes met.

Keira sensitively caught a flash of uncertainty darting



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through his eyes.

He still hadn’t decided if he really wanted to be with


This realization made Keira calm down, and she instinctively tried to withdraw her hand, but it was held tightly by his large, warm hand.

Keira looked up at him, only to see him clench his jaw.

She raised an eyebrow, signaling the man to offer an explanation.

Lewis’s gaze flickered slightly before he looked away.

Old Mrs. Horton’s words interrupted the silent questioning between them. “Brat, I’m asking you, do you like my granddaughter-in-law or not?”

Keira turned to look at him.

Lewis hadn’t expected the old lady to suddenly blu out such a question and hesitated, unsure how to respond.

A wave of disappointment suddenly swelled in Keira’s


Was it all just her wishful thinking?




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She clearly felt that Lewis was fond of her…

She lowered her gaze, about to say something when Lewis’s deep voice rang out. “Yes.”

Keira was slightly stunned.

Her heartbeat raced.

Old Mrs. Horton then turned to her,

“Granddaughter-in-law, do you like…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Keira had already changed the subject. “Grandma, it’s time for your nap.”

Old Mrs. Horton paused mid-speech, then laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll take my nap. My granddaughter-in-law is shy; I won’t ask you anymore.”

After that, she smiled and walked toward the bedroom, leaning on Fiona’s hand.

Once inside the door, the little old lady’s confused state vanished, and her eyes became sharp. She pee through the peephole in the door. “Fiona, they’ve bot confessed their love to each other; they should be together soon, right?”

Fiona didn’t know what to say.





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The two outside the door still felt somewhat awkward.

Dressed in a suit, Lewis stood tall and commanding, drawing attention wherever he was. His superior appearance, together with his appropriate

conversation, made it difficult for Keira not to like him.

She dared not look into Lewis Horton’s eyes and coughed lightly before asking, “Did you say that just to please Grandma?”

Lewis clenched his jaw slightly, “No.”

Keira nodded, her gaze a little unfocused.

At that moment, her phone rang.

Keira picked it up to see a message from Mrs. Olsen. After reading the content, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

Lewis Horton inquired, “What is it?”

Keira Olsen handed him the message to read. “Isla must have gone home to tattle. Mrs. Olsen is worried I

really became your lover, so she plans to ask me to

come home for a chat!”

Lewis laughed. “So will you go back?”



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As Keira was replying to the message, she said, “I’ll go back and have a look. Mrs. Olsen fainted yesterday, so I’m a little concerned.”

“Alright,” Lewis smiled. “Then I’ll go with you.”

Keira Olsen suddenly looked up, incredulously, “What?”

“I said I would go with you,” Lewis replied with a smile in his eyes. “Didn’t she tell you to introduce your husband to her? What’s the matter, you don’t want to bring one?”

Keira was surprised.

Well, that wasn’t the case!

She took a step back in silence, swallowed hard, and then cleared her throat. “Alright then, I’ll reply to her


Lewis continued. “Alright, I’ll have someone prepare some gifts. You regard Mrs. Olsen as your mother, so when I visit my mother-in-law, I can’t come empty-handed.”


Keira’s cheeks flushed even redder. She turned her


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head and replied to Mrs. Olsen’s message. “Okay, I’ll

come tonight.”


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127 Gift

Olsen Family.

After receiving Keira’s message, Mrs. Olsen breathed a sigh of relief.

She had been afraid that Keira wouldn’t bring her husband back at all, which would mean she had made

her mind to be with Mr. Horton…



Mrs. Olsen looked toward Taylor. “Keira is bringing her husband home tonight; let’s get the kitchen ready,” she


Taylor seemed a bit impatient. “If she’s coming, she’s coming. What’s there to prepare? Shirley, you’re just too good to her!”

Despite his words, he gave a nod to Aunt South.

Aunt South then headed to the kitchen.

Isla listened to the conversation between the two, narrowing her eyes.

So, Keira was finally going to bring that pauper of a husband to their doorstep?!

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Good, she would make Keira pay today!

With a smile, she said, “Then I’ll get Jake to come home for dinner too. After all, it’s Keira’s husband’s first visit

to our house. We are sisters, so their husbands are


After saying this, she took out her phone and sent Jake a WhatsApp message. “Jake, come over for dinner tonight?”

Hearing that, Mrs. Olsen couldn’t help but frown and interjected, “Remind Jake to bring fewer gifts when he


Isla was taken aback.

She clenched her fists tightly!

Of course, she understood why Mrs. Olsen would sa such a thing because Keira’s husband came from a poor background, someone not fit for the public eye. Was Mrs. Olsen afraid that Jake would overshadow


She felt anger, thinking that Mrs. Olsen’s favoritism had had gone too far.

Seeing her displeased expression, Mrs. Olsen quickly





explained, “Isla, don’t think too much. Tonight is to welcome Keira and her husband. His humble origins shouldn’t be highlighted too much compared to Jake’s.”

Mrs. Olsen simply didn’t want to embarrass Keira.

With a smile, Isla replied, “Sure! I’ll remind Jake.”

Although she said that out loud, over WhatsApp, Jake had already replied, “Don’t want to come.”

A tightness gripped Isla’s chest as she typed. “Tonight Keira’s husband will visit, so I thought to ask you to join us.”

Jake’s reply was quick. “What time?”

Isla clenched her fist. “He should arrive around six, so come around five-thirty.”

Jake said, “Okay, is there anything I need to bring?”

Although Jake could be arrogant, he was dependable action. The Horton family’s good upbringing didn’t allow for impolite behavior.

Seeing his response, Isla continued. “We got our certificate today, and it’s kind of like your first time coming to my home, so you shouldn’t skimp on the necessary gifts. But my mom just mentioned not to



127 Gift

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too expensive, to keep Keira’s

husband from feeling inferior.”

She knew Jake all too well.

Just mention Keira’s husband, and he’d surely act


Sure enough, the next moment, Jake’s message came through. “It’s my first visit, so it wouldn’t be good to appear too shabby. I’ll bring whatever I want, and you don’t need to worry about it!”

The corner of Isla’s lips curled slightly.

She put down her phone and looked toward Mrs. Olsen. “Mom, I’ve already reminded Jake. I told him not to bring too much stuff; I won’t compete with Keira for attention.”

Mrs. Olsen’s face finally relaxed a lot. “Good.”

At half-past five in the afternoon.

The humming sound of a car engine came from outside.

The sound was unmistakably Jake’s sports car.

A hint of a smile flashed in Isla’s eyes as she joined



Taylor and Mrs. Olsen to welcome their guest, only to see a blue Porsche parked in the courtyard.

Jake, in a high-end tailored suit, stepped out of the car.

His appearance brought a beaming smile to Isla’s face.

That sports car was a limited edition, and Jake’s outfit was worth several hundred thousand. Then they saw Jake walk to the front of the car, open the hood, and begin to take out some gifts.

The gifts were packed tightly, filling the entire vehicle! The Olsen family’s housekeeper immediately went up to help, carrying three to four gift boxes at a time, yet there were still more to be fetched.

With no other choice, she placed the items in the living room before running back for more.

After three or four trips, the floor of the living roo was covered with over a dozen gift boxes, every ite looking extremely valuable, including high-grade caviar, top-quality wines, and some jewelry pieces.

Any single item was worth several hundred thousand.

The total value of these gifts was estimated to be in




the millions.

Isla’s eyes were filled with envy!

It was no wonder the Hortons were the wealthiest family in Oceanion, their generosity was


She turned her head to look at Mrs. Olsen, whose

expression seemed a bit off as if she wanted to say

something, so Isla spoke before her. “Jake, didn’t we say that it was just a casual family meal, and Keira’s husband is coming too. There’s no need to bring so many gifts…”

Upon hearing this, Jake casually replied, “I know. I’ve already cut down the usual amount by thirty percent. After all, this is my first time visiting my in-laws’ home, and I wouldn’t want to bring too little and com as rude.”

After saying this, he looked toward Mrs. Olsen ai Taylor, “Taylor, Shirley, you don’t mind, do you?”

Mrs. Olsen was always polite to outsiders, especially this son-in-law, and she could only suppress her displeasure, responding with a light smile. “Not at all.”

Tavlor then stepped forward “Next time you come.



127 Gift

don’t bring anything. You’ve gone to too much


“How could it be too much for my in-laws? I still feel it’s too modest and that I haven’t properly honored


Jake chatted with Taylor as the two of them entered

the house.

Gifts from guests ought to be placed in the living room until the guests leave, at which point they can be put away; the sight of the gift boxes made Mrs. Olsen imagine how awkward it would be for Keira and her husband when they arrived!

She frowned and took a deep breath before signaling to Aunt South.

Aunt South came over.

Mrs. Olsen then said, “Prepare some gifts and wait outside for Keira and her husband. If they arrive, gi the gifts to them…”

Even if the gifts didn’t match in quality, they couldn’t fall too short in quantity.

She was now somewhat regretting having invited Keira


for dinner.

She cast another glance at Isla.

Isla complained. “Mom, I really did tell Jake. Look, my chat history is here. I think the Hortons are just too generous, and maybe he genuinely thought he had already brought too little…”

Mrs. Olsen didn’t know what to say.

She took another deep breath and gave further instructions to Aunt South. “Tell the staff, when Keira’s husband arrives later, don’t show any improper



After arranging all this, Mrs. Olsen still felt uneasy.

She sighed and ultimately took out her phone, sg a message to Keira to give her some mental preparation. “Jake and Isla are here too, with quit few gifts. Keira, you should understand one thing. intention matters more than the gift. I don’t care about those things.”

Keira replied, “Understood, Mrs. Olsen. We’re on our way and will arrive at the Olsen residence in about





half an hour.”

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128 Here Comes

After sending the message, Keira looked toward Lewis.

He didn’t seem to have dressed up deliberately today.

However, Keira still noticed that he had changed into a wrinkle-free shirt, and the coat also seemed new…

He was tall and was very suitable for wearing a suit, and overall, his long legs were especially eye-catching.

He was very handsome and exquisite.

Keira’s attire was very casual. She wore an apricot sweater paired with light-colored jeans, looking rather youthful.

Together, the two were quite a pleasing sight.

Lewis had already prepared the gifts, and once T finished loading them into the car, he came in and “Mr. Horton, Miss Olsen, the car is ready. We can depart now.”

Both nodded and walked toward the parking lot.

Old Mrs. Horton waved and smiled as she sent them off. “Fiona, look at this perfect pair. My word, I wonder


how cute my future great-grandchild will be!”

Keira had just walked out of the door and nearly tripped over herself when she heard this!

She and Lewis had just made a bit of progress, and the old lady was already imagining great-grandchildren?

She couldn’t help but look toward Lewis with a mix of laughter and tears.

She saw his ears turn slightly red.

The two got into the Bentley, and the car drove away.

Keira had never thought about competing with Isla for anything, so she didn’t pay much attention to the gifts and simply said, “Mrs. Olsen never judges someone based on their status, nor does she look down on

anyone because of their background. So later, she might not speak to you with so much reverence…”

Lewis smiled. “Miss Olsen, you might have some misunderstanding about me.

Keira paused.


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